"无" 共找到影视: 19 部

朋克科学怪人 1


  Cao Hamburger是2000年之后一位比较有名的巴西电影导演,他06年的新片《独自在家》()获得过多个国际奖项,但很少有人知道他最初在80年代其实做泥塑动画的。这是他早期的两部动画短片之一。

UzbekExpress! 3


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  Short movie written & screened by students of the Mannon Uigur Filmschool Tashkent and Veit Helmer.
  Passengers rush to the express train. The sight of a couple locked in an intimate kiss inspires the engineer to abandon the train and to make a fundamental change in his life ...

水中女神 9


终章:杀死一个国家英雄的不同方法 3


  The Spanish section of Khavn's "Silent Black Trilogy", ULTIMO is an abstract meditation on Philippine-Hispanic relations. Mixing high & low cinematic aesthetics, the film is composed of ordinary images from present-day Spain juxtaposed with the last poem that Philippine national hero Jose Rizal wrote before he was executed by the Spanish Government back in 1896. A haunting post...

荒漠魅影 10



Recifededentroprafora 2


  Poetic documentary about the river Capibaribe, inspired by the poem "Dog without Feathers" by Joao Cabral de Mello Neto. Shows the various aspects of the river, sea, nature and the city with its misery, its fishermen and their hope.

Jesen 7


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MariaEsther:danasnaáfrica 4


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  Precursor of Tropicalismo, writer and filmmaker, Jose Agrippino de Paula was a genuine representative of the counter, leaving it entirely up to the Brazilian cultural scene. He is not among the stars of Tropicalia is not often remembered when it is this movement that turned the inside of the Brazilian cultural scene of the late of 1960. But Jose Agrippino de Paula was there. In...

伊万与胡安 10


  IVAN & JUAN (2003)
  Short animation film made for Pilot Studio, Moscow 2003.
  Best Animated film award in "Message to man" festival St. Petersburg, Russia 2004.

AtaWhenua:FiordlandonFilm 6


  Ata Whenua's Shadowland brings you the Fiordland World Heritage Status Wilderness you would otherwise never see. Mysterious, evocative, exhilarating and utterly spectacular, filmed across extemes of season, climate and terrain, it will take you on an unforgettable journey through one of the most awe inspiring landscapes on earth (32 mins).
  Ata Whenua- Shadowlands is a nonverbal...

埃舍尔:认知的冒险 10


  The work of the graphic artist Maurits Escher (1898 - 1972) is a play on perspectives: it creates an illusion of the impossible. Boundaries expand to infinity and floors become ceilings and vice versa. He repeats forms in an ever-changing perspective, and creates a circle of metamorphosis. Escher's world derives...

百合城市 5


五分熟 8



飞日 5


  Gerald McDermott,1941年1月31日出生于美国密西根州的底特律市,以奖学金攻读Pratt艺术学院并于1964年拿到BFA学位,就学期间就已经展现他的天份,是第一位为纽约教育电视13频道做绘图设计。之后,一直从事民俗故事动画制片的工作,直到他开始将动画影片转成图画书。 Gerald McDermott的第一本绘本『Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti』于1972年问世,1973年就获得凯迪克银牌奖;紧接着第二本绘本『Arrow to the Sun』于1974年问世,1975年就获得凯迪克金牌奖。
  Gerald McDermott的作品多取材自世界各地的民俗传说,内容本身就充满先人们累积下来的生活智慧与处世哲理,再加入Gerald McDermott对于人类精神层面的独到见解及其半抽象几...

Anthem 2


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