"摩尔·霍华德" 共找到影视: 21 部

法庭骚乱 5


  The stooges are witnesses at a trial where their friend, a dancer at a nightclub where they are musicians, is accused of murder. The stooges manage to disrupt the proceedings but save the day when they discover the real murderer's identity.

没有新娘的新郎 7


HigherThanaKite 9


  After being accidentally dropped behind enemy lines, the Stooges disguise themselves and steal important plans from the Nazi high command.

PardonMyBackfire 6


  The stooges are auto mechanics who need money so they can marry their girls. When some escaped convicts pull into their garage, the boys manage to capture them and use the reward money to marry their sweethearts. It appears to be an early attempt at 3D with the closeups and effects used.

吓人! 6


  The stooges are private detectives hired to find a missing girl. The boys disguise as pie salesmen and end up wandering around a mad scientist’s mansion, trying to find the girl. The boys confront a gorilla and various other bad guys, before rescuing the girl.

ShiveringSherlocks 7


  The stooges witness an armed robbery and are brought in by the cops as suspects. After passing a lie detector test, the boys are freed but are now the only ones who can identify the crooks. Meanwhile, their friend Gladys has inherited a house in the country and the boys go with her to inspect it so she won't be gypped when its sold. The house turns out to be the crook's hideout...

IncomeTaxSappy 2


  Tax cheats Moe, Larry and Shemp decide they're so good at cheating the government, that they start a business as crooked tax advisors. They become rich, but an undercover agent from the IRS gets the goods on them, and its off to jail for the stooges.

亲历好莱坞:30年代 10


三傻大战神力王 1


  Three druggists travel with a Milquetoast inventor, Schuyler, and his girlfriend, Diane, to ancient Greece on a newly invented time machine. There, the evil tyrant, Odius, takes a shine to the woman and has the guys enslaved as galley rowers using the excuse of the three druggists helping a rebel leader, Ulysses, escape. The rigors of the rowing pump Schuyler up into a musclema...

NertseryRhymes 5


OuterSpaceJitters 3


  The stooges accompany Professor Jones on an expedition to Venus, where they discover that the Venusians are planning to conquer the earth with an army of zombies. When the boys learn that they're going to be turned into zombies, they escape. The scene changes to the stooges' apartment where we learn they are just telling a bedtime story to their kids (also played by the stooges...

MuscleUpaLittleCloser 4


  It was great seeing that gorgeous Tiny Ray squash Elmo Drake. Go Tiny.

HorsingAround 6


  A sequel (sort of) to "Hoofs and Goofs", The stooges are taking care of their sister Birdie who has been reincarnated as a horse. When they learn that her mate "Schnapps", a famous circus horse, is about to be destroyed, they got to the circus grounds to rescue him. The stooges are successful, and Birdie and Schnapps are reunited.

SpaceShipSappy 6


  Stooges get their bare feet tickled