"埃德蒙·戈温" 共找到影视: 31 部

危险的伙伴 10


  After surviving a plane crash, a couple tries to find out why one of the passengers was carrying four wills for a million dollars, with each one naming him as the beneficiary.

CheerBoysCheer 2


海外留芳 4


路易莎 8


  Grandma Louisa (Spring Byington) begins dating grocer Henry Hammond (Edmund Gwenn), much to the disgust of her son Hal (Ronald Reagan) and the rest of the family. To make matters worse, Hal’s boss, Mr. Burnside (Charles Coburn), also becomes a rival for Louisa’s affections.

未嫁添丁 1


红线良禽 3


华堂小凤 2


SheWenttotheRaces 1


查理的姑妈 3


  Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney.

枪声爵梦 1


  Silky has always moved booze. In prohibition, he smuggled it from Canada, but now that it is legal, he produces his own brand. Seven years before, he sent Doc to prison because Doc was an honest man. Now that he is getting out, Silky wants an honest man as his general manager. When an English solicitor arrives to show that Silky is the new Earl of Gorley, Doc sees his chance to...

为毕晓普小姐干杯 4


义犬逃亡记 4


  Jock Gray raises his collie Lassie to be an extraordinary sheep dog and companion. When he is beaten to death by robbers after he retires, Lassie keeps vigil over his grave and refuses to let anyone else take ownership of her. However, the law requires that all dogs be leashed and licensed by a legal owner. With no owner to pay her license and her only "home" being the church g...

北平快车 2


人性枷锁 6


我的名字是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 4

