"西班牙" 共找到影视: 10594 部

Lamemoriadelcine:unapelículasobreFernandoMéndez-Leite 5


  Fernando Méndez-Leite is one of the fundamental people in the History of Spanish Cinema, spanning more than fifty years of culture. His life and memory contain not only the narration of our cinematography, but also of the culture, politics and social changes that have accompanied it. The writing of his memoires and a novel with obvious autobiographical overtones is the moment c...

象形文字的秘密:商博良兄弟 7


  By cracking the ancient hieroglyphic code, Jean-Franois Champollion gave words to a thousand-year-old, mysterious civilization - but behind his legendary feat was a mysterious brother who made it all possible.
  New correspondence discovered between Jean-Franois Champollion and his brother Jacques-Joseph now allows us to fully understand how a young, self-taught genius was able...

Zinzindurrunkarratz 6


  Zinzindurrunkarratz, third feature film by Oskar Alegria (Emak Bakia baita, Zumiriki), summarizes in its title the idea it pursues: the role of sound in the construction of our memories and our memory. Zinzin is a valley where the wind blows lightly and its lyrics represent that sound in Basque language. Durrundurrun is a chasm without end, where a falling stone is lost in that...

朵拉·玛尔,毕加索之外 9


  Dora Maar was Picasso's lover between 1936 and 1943, but also a great photographer, author of the famous report on Guernica. In this year 2019, the Center Pompidou in Paris and the Tate Gallery in London will dedicate a vast exhibition with more than two hundred works including photographs, paintings, drawings and documents. This documentary by Alejandro Lasala and Victoria Com...

Patucos 10


Generación99:Iker&Xavi 9


一些男孩,一些女孩 2


  Approach to a certain sector of Spanish youth, some boys and girls who express themselves through a certain music and a particular outfit.

科巴尼的帕迪 3


CaminitodelOlvido 2


  Caminito del Olvido is a portrait of my parents, Andrés and Loli. They travel together long ago, and in this last part of their lives, they share a path of illness and love.

LaBaladadeBarba 6


  JD Alcázar follows his father Andrés, a cinephile of western movies, and other four elder people who also suffer from Alzheimer while they receive a treatment based on Virtual Reality that may help them have a better life.

恩特里亚尔戈 3


  A documentary that follows children in the town of Entrialgo, Asturias, Spain over a year as their language and way of life slowly disappears.

Raval,PladeFugida 6


  Abdel vino de Tanger al raval escondido debajo de un autobús, huyendo de la pobreza. Teo vino con 8 aos de un pequeo pueblo de Córdoba, buscando un lugar donde trabajar. Ahora ambos trabajan en la misma esquina del raval: vuelven a tener un plan de huida para encontrar un futuro mejor.

成为玛丽莲 3
