"西德" 共找到影视: 5056 部

罗密:一张脸的肖像 2


  Zur Entstehungszeit der Dokumentation war Romy Schneider 27 Jahre alt, das Sissi-Image hatte sie abgelegt, die eigentliche Weltkarriere hatte trotz eines Hollywood-Aufenthaltes und der Zusammenarbeit mit berühmten Regisseuren noch nicht richtig begonnen. 30 Filme mit ihr waren bis dato in den Kinos gelaufen, Luchino Visconti hatte sie in "Schade, dass sie eine Dirne ist" in Par...

在水闸边 3


  In his first film, Peter Nestler gives voice to an old floodgate. A nearby village, its inhabitants, wooden posts and twisted willow rods are presented from this unusual perspective. The floodgate ponders the fisher boats coming home from the sea along the shipping channel which is fed at low tide by a small river.
  "From their hiding behind the windows, they send their offsprin...

洛特·艾斯纳的长假 8


  Shalid Saless' 60-minute documentary mostly consists of medium long shots showing the 83 year old Lotte H. Eisner in her Paris apartment routinely talking about her biography as film critic in Germany until her escape from Berlin in 1933 and later staff member of Henri Langlois' Cinémathèque in Paris, France and -- at the end -- about the new German cinema of the 70's as well a...

一场革命的记录 9


圣保利的平安夜 5


  Heiligabend auf St. Pauli“ ist das kondensierte Portrt einer zehnstündigen Nacht in einer Hamburger Hafenkneipe. Fernfahrer, Prostituierte, Polizisten, ein Fuballtrainer und ein Amateurboxer versuchen, dem Weihnachtsfest durch Alleinsein, Alkohol oder Sex zu entkommen. Wildenhahns Kamera erlaubt sich viele unkontrollierte Momente, kühne Schwenks und Unschrfen – und beweist...

ZeichenundWunder 4


寻景非洲 9


  This film essay by Steff Gruber is a report on the exceedingly difficult work of making Werner Herzog's film COBRA VERDE in Ghana. The very personal film however is more than just a blow by blow account of the film's creation. It also focuses on the complicated relationship between the two stars Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski, the walk-on players (Herzog had a thousand young Gh...

希尔弗 4


一地草芥 5



微笑之星 1


  Structured like a musical collage, Der lachende Stern (The Laughing Star) is a film about the Philippines and the Third World. Its starting-point was the 1983 film festival in Manila, an event of high symbolic value for its founder, Imelda Marcos, the First Lady of the Philippines. Der lachende Stern reflects the cultural reality of the Philippines with interviews, excerpts fro...

新德国电影报告 6


  Interview film with the protagonists of the New German Cinema in 1966.

Gesucht:MonikaErtl 8


  In 1971 she was 'wanted' for political murder, because she had assassinated a Bolivian Colonel, who represented the oppressive military dictatorship in the South American country. In 1973 she was ambushed and shot by the police forces led by the notorious Klaus Barbie, former Gestapo chief in Lyons, France - see also Htel Terminus (1988). Monika had tried to abduct him to brin...

1977年的法斯宾德 4


巴比伦巫师 5


  Documentary about German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder, during the time of filming "Querelle." Features an interview with Fassbinder only ten hours before his death.

例如:婚姻破裂 5


  把人们从性压抑的镣铐中解放出来的“全德性爱教师” Oswalt Kolle又恰逢其时地提出了一个新的热点话题:通奸。对于夫妻双方而言最大的考验莫过于通奸和不忠,不过Kolle教你“风物长宜放眼量”,强调如果处理得当上述行为可能增进彼此的感情,而不会成为婚姻的终结。