"西德" 共找到影视: 5056 部

4Schlüssel 4


DieRechnung-eiskaltserviert 3


Sperrbezirk 8


DerMrderclubvonBrooklyn 7


碧血洒金砖 5


冤冤相报 5


圣保利逃亡路 4


  The dangerous violent criminal Willy Jensen flees from a prison in Hamburg and seeks shelter at his brother Heinz’ apartment. Heinz, an honest taxi-driver, believes in his innocence and helps him – until Willy kills another man in a robbery. After an argument Willy takes his wife Vera, who now lives with Heinz, as hostage on his further flight from the police. Heinz feels respo...

TouchMeNot 8


亲祖国,愿安好 3


  1964 in Berlin, not long after the raise of the wall that separated the city: ex-prisoner Bruno is chosen by the eastern secret agency to be sent west with a special order. However as soon as he's crossed the border, he reports to the police. He claims his order was to kidnap someone, but he doesn't know who yet. He's forced to continue feignedly. However the east agents don't ...

DerKudesTigers 6


Kemek 2


红色的迷醉 3


  "Der rote Rausch" is the story of a schizophrenic murderer who suffers from amnesia regarding his deeds. Beginning to grasp them, he went to a sanatorium. Klaus Kinski, in his debut as main actor, is playing the murderer who is obsessed by necklaces of red corals.

BlondeKderfürdenMrder 9


  While looking for a stolen diamond necklace,the private investigator Bob Martin uncovers a smart serial killer.

盲贼 10


  Saw this one on television 30 years ago, so my memories of it are a bit hazy. As I recall, Walter Pigeon plays a blind academic who has spent decades studding the Vatican's art treasures - don't ask me how a blind man does this - and decides to reward himself with a retirement in the sun paid for by ripping off some of said treasures. He enlists Kinsky and Von Furstenburg to do...

脂粉豺狼 1
