"荷兰" 共找到影视: 3697 部

我父亲的选择 5


  在纪录片《我父亲的选择》中,导演袁欣婷将其父亲及其家人的个人历史与过去五十年在中国的主要发展联系起来:五十年代的中国大饥荒,六十年代的文革,七十年代外逃到西方。 这些事件使中国实现了共产主义和资本主义的结合,使当今的中国成为世界上最大的经济力量。其中个人与集体之间的关系,小的个人历史与大的全球历史之间的关系是持续不断的摩擦之一。

HEMA的秘密 10


  电影制片人袁欣婷出生于香港,但已经在荷兰生活了三十多年。她的朋友和家人遍布世界各地,她拎着Jimmy Choo的提包,穿着Tod's和Marni的鞋子,Philippa K、Dries van Noten和Yamamoto的衣服。她说:“实际上,我是一个Pradagirl,但我在HEMA买我可爱的各色内裤。”2010年,HEMA连续第二次被荷兰民众选为荷兰最不可或缺的品牌。荷兰人都喜欢HEMA,但是……HEMA想要更多。自1926年起,这座传奇的仓储式超市就成为荷兰文化中家喻户晓的名字,它将把自己推向一个新高度:征服世界市场,成为全球玩家。在比利时开有80家商店,在德国有十几家,在法国只有少数几家,这些都只是第一步。本片讲述的是关于试错、荷兰香肠、马桶刷和华丽服装的故事,以及这种典型的荷兰企业家精神。

独立化男孩 7


海上的诗歌 6


TheDeathofAntonioSànchezLomas 1


  On All Saints’ Day, the inhabitants of the southern Spanish village of Frigiliana remember their dead. The assembled villagers all know each other, and they bring flowers and candles. But the apparent serenity belies the deep divisions in the village. The murder of Antonio Lomas by the Guardia Civil in 1952, during the dictatorship of General Franco, has caused a collective tra...

梦之环 9


  In a world where fantasy meets reality, Tengkwa leads a band of Dutch wrestlers and tries to train a new generation. But with slim chances of fame and glory and little money to speak off, only the most die-hard of them will succeed. Ring of Dreams tells the story of fighting for your dreams against the odds of our dreary daily lives. “When I was younger” recalls the director “l...

TheBastard 4


  Ethiopian Daniel Hoek has no doubt in his mind that if his Dutch father had not abandoned him he would never have turned to crime. His Dutch father, Joop Hoek, has no doubt in his mind that if his Dutch-Indonesian father had not abandoned him he would have grown up to be a different person. In The Bastard two separate stories of an adult child and an elderly father are inextric...

西方的阿拉伯人 9


以塔尼亚的名义 5


  Based upon real testimonies, this hybrid film tells the story of Tania, a teenage girl forced into prostitution in the gold mining regions of Peru. Tania remembers how she was taken from her home lured with false promises of wealth and riches and how she slowly lost her identity in the process, changing her life forever. While sharing her story with a police officer, Tania's vo...

被占城市 9


  LOGLINE: Living in Amsterdam for me is like living with ghosts. It feels there are always two or three parallel narratives unfolding at once. The past is always present.
  The past collides with our precarious present in Steve McQueen’s bravura documentary Occupied City, informed by the book Atlas of an Occupied City (Amsterdam 1940-1945) written by Bianca Stigter. McQueen create...

世纪女性玛索琳娜 7


  A portrait of the strong-minded writer and filmmaker Marceline Loridan-Ivens (1928-2018). As a girl, she survived Auschwitz-Birkenau, after which she had to find herself as a woman in freedom. Her approach was radical and unconventional, she says. As she approaches the age of 90, in essence she appears unchanged; her life simply moves a bit more slowly.
  In her Paris apartment, ...

香港,舞照跳 8


  This documentary, produced for VPRO's "Laat op de avond....", was shot in the months directly prior to the handover of the British colony of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1997.