"爱尔兰" 共找到影视: 1307 部

RequiemforaFighter 1


  Lucas A former Danish Army Officer has travelled to Derry, Northern Ireland to clear up details of his estranged son's death and finds that there was another side to his son's life and the people he was friends with. These include Michael who has been fighting in unlicensed boxing matches to raise some quick cash, trained by his Father Liam who doesn't know Michael is questioni...

我曾在这里生活过 8


  Amy Keane, a thirteen-year-old trying to cope with the death of her mother and the reappearance of her father's ex-girlfriend, experiences the temptation of ******* after witnessing the outpouring of love for a local ******* victim.

父亲的罪孽 4


  A man returns to his Irish town after being in jail for five years for murder. His friends try to help him fit in again, but he refuses and secludes himself from the world. Only a pretty girl and his crippled son can still reach him.

好心好意 8


  Rebbeca Daly's subtle and brilliantly realized parable , a teenage stranger welcomed into a household in a devout Catholic village gradually reveals his motives and what seem to be magical powers

TwiceShy 5


  Featuring Ardal O’Hanlonand Pat Shortt, the film follows the journey of a young couple played by Shane Murray-Corcoran and newcomer Iseult Caseyas who travel to England for a legal abortion (the procedure is illegal in Ireland).

鼓手和守门员 1


OutofInnocence 3


  This film is a poignant social drama based on true life events at the turn of the century which helped shape history to make the Ireland we know today.

如兄如弟 7


  Mark 突然收到兄弟Michael二十年前旧情人Grace的来信,Grace的丈夫辞世,继承了丰厚的财产, 并想要与Michael重叙旧情。然而Michael已经因为车祸离世,并且出车祸时,车上还载着Mark的妻子。 在朋友Ronnie的怂恿下,Mark决定以Michael的身份从比利时出发去爱尔兰,去拿属于Michael的钱,去睡属于Michael的女人。。。然而这并不是故事的全部

开明大陆 3


  A group of Kuchi children are living in a minefield around Bagram airfield, Afghanistan. They dig out anti-personal mines in order to sell the explosives to child workers mining in a Lappis Lazulli mine. The trajectory of the blue precious stones goes towards Tajikistan and China, through an area controlled by child soldiers. When they are not waging their own mini-wars in the ...

番茄红 8


  When small town drifter Sammy Barlach drives into town on the search for his next cold beer and the bunch that'll have him, he gets a lot more than he bargained for. Food, lodging and the possibility of a better future thanks to redheaded Jamalee and her 77mi.cc brother Jason who dream of hitting the big time. But breaks aren't easy to come by if you live in Venus Holler. Findi...

MyHappiness 10


GetUpandGo 4


特洛伊·埃迪 2


力量与荣誉 9



TurningGreen 9


  故事的舞台选在了19世纪70年代末的爱尔兰,讲述了一个16岁的叫James Powers的美国小男孩。在他的母亲死后,他不得不和他的三个爱尔兰阿姨一起生活,这让小男孩开始觉得迷失了生活的方向。经历了变迁和失落,James Powers渴望回去美国。终于在他在英国的某一个周末,James发现了些色情杂志,由于对金钱的渴望,他决定书带回爱尔兰,然后买掉换钱以此能筹到钱回美国。通过卖书小男孩很快筹够了回去美国的钱,但此时他必须面对的问题是哪里才是他真正的家。