"波兰" 共找到影视: 3430 部

StillAlive:FilmoKrzysztofieKieslowskim 1


  This is a beautifully made and totally engrossing feature-length retrospective portrait of Kieslowski by a former student of his who is now one of Poland's finest documentary filmmakers. Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz gives a lot of attention to the beginnings of Kieslowski’s career: his studies at the Lodz Film School and his first documentary films. The film recounts as fully as p...

索波特1957 5


  Spontaneous, Joyful and humorous reportageof summer holidays in Sopot, presenting a totally different picture of Poland in October 1956 to the one shown in the "black films". It starts with dynamic scenes shot during II Polish Jazz Festival which took place in Sopot in July 1957. We see Miss Polonia festival, happy holiday crowd, people enojying their time at parties and cafes....

空虛城中人 1


  The protagonists of this movie are people who the authors met during shooting their Where the Devils Says Goodnight movie (uploaded here: link ). This is nothing but a crime newsreel, nor a "wanted" circular nor a warning poster. Young people from Praga district (Warsaw) are presented with care and sympathy, which is more explicit in the commentary to the film, avoiding definit...

Pub700 4


GoatWalker 1


来自斯泽玛诺瓦的女孩 2


Nasiona 7


  Out of nowhere, somewhere in Siberia on the border to Kazachstan: a small village, a family bound together by a tragedy happened in the past. Father, mother and kids share the same history, yet they are neither able to speak about it nor trying to change and adopt their life to new circumstances. Emotionally and geographically disconnected and inability to communicate are obsta...

BattleforWarsaw'44 10


失重状态 10


波兰的爵士 2


人生于世 8


  已八十岁高龄的著名波兰演员杰西·诺瓦卡决定在其死后将尸体用于科学研究。本片就记录了他做决定的整个过程,包括其中遇到的困境和对于死亡的看法。在波兰这样的天主教国家,这部影片因其主题将会在社会引起广泛争论。杰西已处于绝症晚期,并希望在一个即死之人的角度讲述这个故事;而作为演员,他想以此作为他最后一个角色,同时也是演艺生涯中第一个主角,去讲述他为什么做出这个决定。影片内容发人深省,具有很强的可探讨性,传达一个具有讽刺意味又带有正能量的主题。本片将这个主题以一种新的方式展现在观众面前。 A famous Polish actor, 80-years old Jerzy Nowak (eg "Schindler's List" dir. S. Spielberg and Andrzej Wajda movies) decided that after deat...

到伤心时 2


  • 正片

  The story of a lonely, 53-year-old psychiatrist living with his severely overprotective mother.
  2010 ihlava国际纪录片电影节 银眼奖 最佳中长篇纪录片提名/2010 克拉科夫电影节 Cracow学生评审团奖

自由的旗帜 2



欧洲89毫米 9


  This movie shows the simplest difference between Europe and former Soviet Union. It is the eponymous 89 mm - Russian train tracks are 89 mm wider than tracks in European countries. And because of this fact, it is not easy to go through the Soviet border by train in Brest as the passengers...

听我哭泣 1

