"巴西" 共找到影视: 4642 部

LinhadeMontagem 9


  Documentary about the strikes taking place in So Bernardo do Campo, in the State of So Paulo, Brazil, circa 1979/1980. That moment was of utmost importance, since it revealed a Union leader, Luís Inácio "Lula" da Silva, who later was to become the President of Brazil. It was also the moment when PT, the Party of Workers became a relevant political force in Brazil

EngenhoseUsinas 4


  Part of the Brasilianas series, it shows aspects of the old sugar mills to the sound of Engenho Novo and Coco Peneruê.

Pees 7


  Interviews with workers who took part in the 1979/1980 strikes in the metallurgic region called ABC, in the State of So Paulo, led by the man who was to become President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, but, unlike their leader, have remained anonymous along the way. They talk about their origins, the movement, and their lives.

结束和开始 8


  A film starting from naught. With no prior research, no characters, no sites, nor specific themes, a film team arrive to the hinterland of Paraíba state in northeastern Brazil in search of people with stories to tell. In the village of So Joo do Rio do Peixe they come to Sítio Araás, a rural community of 86 families, mostly relatives. With a girl from Araás as mediator, the...

Anabazys 5


MariaBethania-PedrinhadeAruanda 2


  Documentary about singer Maria Bethania's 60th birthday celebration in her hometown, Santo Amaro da Purificao, and her performance on a show in Salvador.

回到666号房间 4


  What is the future of cinema In 1982, in Cannes, Wim Wenders invited many movie makers to answer this question. 26 years later, the question remains, but Wenders is now on the other side of the camera.

Tits-AVidaAtéPareceumaFesta 7


  Tits - A Vida Até Parece Uma Festa (lit. Tits - Life Even Looks Like a Party) is a 2008 documentary featuring the career of the Brazilian rock band Tits since its beginning. The documentary features the tapes recorded by Branco Mello when he earned his VHS camera in the early 1980s. The album was awarded the 2009 VMB Award of Musical Movie/Documentary of the Year.

完美的前奏 7


BahiadeTodososSambas 5


SocorroNobre 8


  When the inmate Maria do Socorro Nobre reads an article about the Polish artist Franz Krajcberg in Veja magazine, she decides to write a letter to him. Socorro was sentenced to more than twenty-one years in a prison for women in Salvador, Bahia, while Franz is a tormented artist that lost his family and lived his childhood in a ghetto in Poland but survived the holocaust. Franz...

OFiodaMemória 2


阿利雅迪尼奥 1


  这是关于巴西历史上最伟大的艺术家之一,安东尼奥·弗朗西斯科·葡京(Antonio Francisco Lisboa)和阿利雅迪尼奥(Aleijadinho)的一篇短文。Aleijadinho是巴西巴洛克时期的重要代表人物,他以在米纳斯吉拉斯的许多历史教堂和其他建筑遗迹的肥皂石上创作的艺术雕塑和人物而闻名。

UnpasseportHongrois 9


  Speaking on the telephone with the Hungarian Consulate, the filmmaker asks: "Does someone whose grandfather is Hungarian have the right to obtain a Hungarian passport" The question apparently sounds strange. "Yes - It's possible... But, why do you want a Hungarian passport" The filmmaker asks for the list of necessary documents, but the officer woman still doesn't understand ...

BocadeLixo 9
