"匈牙利" 共找到影视: 2929 部

世界一级方程式锦标赛第三十七季 8


  • 已更新至16集
  • 1986  

  The 1986 FIA Formula One World Championship was the 40th season of FIA Formula One motor racing. It featured the 1986 Formula One World Championship for Drivers and the 1986 Formula One World Championship for Manufacturers, both of which commenced on 23 March and ended on 26 October after sixteen races. The Drivers' Championship was won by Alain Prost, and the Manufacturers' Ch...

欧米茄,欧米茄,欧米茄 1



újEldorádó 7


  The biggest gold deposit in Europe is located underneath Roia Montan, Romania. The ancient Romans dug shafts with hammers and chisels, later gunpowder and dynamite were used to mine the precious metal. But when the possibilities of traditional mining methods seem exhausted in the early 2000s, a Canadian company enters the scene, planning to pulverise the whole village and the...

忏悔者与代理人 8


  After World War II, for almost half a century the communist one-party system did everything in its power to persecute the Christian Churches in Hungary. Hundreds of innocent priests and monks were imprisoned, while the State Security authority recruited others into its network as agents.
  The documentary presents this historical era, the informer network operating within the chu...

K(Filmaprostituáltakról-Rákóczitér) 6


  This documentary about street prostitutes is surprisingly revealing. A good selection of personalities and types, including males, are interviewed, and they seem to be pretty open about their lives and work, despite working illegally. From this collection of impressions the filmmaker cleverly shifts focus to the prettiest prostitute, even going on a call with her, and examining...

életreítéltek 8


  The documentary presents a lesser known, yet very important scene of the retribution that followed the 1956 revolution and fight for independence, the Kisfogház (Small Prison) through the reminiscences of the one-time victims. People sentenced to death for political reasons were executed in the courtyard of the prison. Three of the protagonists of this documentary escaped death...

Otttoronyvolt 7


  A nyolcvanas évek els fele a trt és tiltott” határán elhelyezked alternatív, underground mvészet virágkora volt Magyarországon. Ennek a korszaknak meghatározó képviselje Víg Mihály, aki 1979-ben barátjával, Hunyadi Károllyal megalapította a mai napig mkd Balaton együttest. A késbb megalakuló és csak pár évig létez, de máig legendának számító Trabant együttesnek is os...

多瑙河边 5



冬日战争 4


自残纪实 1


Istenmezején1972-73-ban 1


  When Judit Elek heard some puzzling, if not outright disturbing stories about the daily life of girls and young women in the Hungarian provinces, she immediately travelled to one village, Istenmezején, to find out more about these occurrences.
  It was here that young girls were married to miners, only to spend the rest of their lives doing household chores. In Istenmezején, Elek...

NutritionFugue 6


  This ironic found-footage collage created from raw footage originally shot for the Kzért (“For the Public”) retail chain, a state-run network of shops in Hungary during communism, shows the problems of eating and nutrition in state-run economies, lives and images.
  "35 mm reels of socialist food advertisements were put in the soil to rot and decay." P. Lichter

九个月的战争 9


  János is in his early twenties when he is conscripted by the Ukrainian government. His family are part of the Hungarian minority in the country. Many flee to the EU to escape conscription, but János chooses military service. László Csuja follows him in the weeks before he sets out on the 1,500 km trip to the frontline, he is there when János returns to his family for the holida...

Egymentorvosnaplójából 1
