"保加利亚" 共找到影视: 951 部

致命弯道3 3


  • 已完结
  • 2009  

  人迹罕至的森林中,四个乘舟沿河漂流的年轻人被一名畸形的食人猎手袭击,食人狂用弓箭和陷阱将他们猎杀殆尽,只有一名名叫爱丽丝(Janet Montgomery 饰)的姑娘侥幸逃脱。几乎与此同时,西弗吉尼亚州的葛夫顿监狱中,狱警尼特(Tom Frederic 饰)和搭档接到了一项任务:将墨西哥裔犯人查韦斯(Tamer Hassan 饰)等人转移到另一所监狱。为了防止查韦斯的同伙于路劫车,监狱安排卧底乔装成犯人与查韦斯同行,然而意外还是发生了,囚车在荒凉的山路上被食人狂驾驶的车子撞下悬崖……

致命弯道6:终极审判 7


  • 已完结
  • 2014  

  一文不名的青年丹尼(Anthony Ilott 饰)偶然得知他在偏远的西佛尼亚州山村还有亲戚的消息,于是在一个阳光明媚的日子里,丹尼带着女友托妮(Aqueela Zoll 饰)以及维克(Rollo Skinner 饰)吉莉安(Roxanne Pallett 饰)、罗德(Billy Ashworth 饰)等朋友来到了幽静而神秘的霍布温泉庄园。该庄园建于20世纪初,虽然老旧却不失典雅庄严。号称丹尼表兄妹的杰克森(Chris Jarvis 饰)和萨莉(Sadie Katz 饰)殷勤接待了一行人。快乐无忧的年轻人们纵情玩耍,口无遮拦,却不知晓这里隐藏着怎样可怕而惊人的秘密。

YanBibiyan 4


NarekohmegiMontekiiKapuleti 10


索多玛 2


  以色列暑期大片,上演了一出Monty Python式的恶搞圣经的疯狂讽刺喜剧。其演员和主创多来自于以色列受欢迎的综艺节目《精彩的世界》,而影片也是根据其中的电视短剧改编而来。8月在以色列上映后《这里是索多玛》击败了《特工绍特》、《盗梦空间》等好莱坞大片,成为继《阿凡达》之后当地开画成绩最好的影片。

两大胜利 5


刺猬战争 8


  'The Hedgehogs' are a group of youngsters who are trying to gain control of the empty space between the blocks of flats, which they want to convert into a basketball court. The resistance of the neighbors is soon overcome and the court is laid down. Training courses in basketball for kids are set up. The ambitious coach is selecting only those of the boys who are able to carry ...

UncleChristmas 10


  A child dreams of having a family. A man dressed as Santa Claus must figure out who he really is. A taxi driver, master of improvised lies, meets a girl ready to do anything to make her dreams come true. Coincidence meets Uncle Claus and the child with the beautiful waitress Milena and colorful street musicians - a gambler, a drunkard and a wayward old man. As the story evolves...

实干之人 7


  小镇警察局长伊利想过上舒适的生活,却做出了错误的选择。 人到中年且已离异,他觉得有必要成为某件事的一部分——建造一个果园,甚至一个家。 尽管村里发生了可疑的事情,但伊利只看到适合他的东西。 从他卷入乡村生活的那一刻起,就标志着他崩溃的开始。 在找不到解决方案的真空中,他试图成为他以前从未做过的人:逮捕所有可能有罪的人的正义寻求者。

Лораотсутриндовечер 2


  After a night of partying with her friends Lora has to get herself together and attend an important meeting. At her office she finds two packages which contain two mysterious dice. The sides of one of them are all marked with the number two and of the other - with the number five. In the course of the day Lora will have to find out the truth behind the magical properties of a s...

Blizkatadalechina 8


  An alien arrives on the planet Earth with a special mission. He must steal and send canned food to his home planet, because it is very scarce there. The alien is confronted with the absurdity of Earth life. Ten animated episodes were inserted into the feature film as an ironic commentary.

伦敦任务 4


  这部背景设置在伦敦的影片背景充满了David Bowie、Blur以及the Sex Pistols的音乐...

政变通告 7


  May 22nd, 1963. Unhappy with the existing social and political situation in Turkey, a group of military officers has planned a coup d’etat to take down the government in Ankara. Meanwhile in Istanbul, their co-conspirators have undertaken the vital mission of taking over the National Radio station and making a formal announcement about the coup. But nothing goes to plan. Faced...

快闪部队 7


狂暴机械鲨鱼 10


  A great white bites a UFO aircraft in the Pacific and turns into a robo/shark hybrid.