"Germany" 共找到影视: 29 部

乡村之役 3


DieGeschichteMitteldeutschlands 2


  Kaum eine Region in Deutschland hat eine so wechselvolle und vielseitige Geschichte wie Mitteldeutschland, das Sendegebiet des Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks, mit seinen Lndern Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen. Viele entscheidende Entwicklungen nahmen hier ihren Anfang. Der Begründer des ersten deutschen Staates, Heinrich I., ist im Quedlinburger Dom beigesetzt; von Wittenberg...

陌生女人的来信 7


  Un célèbre pianiste vieillissant reoit un jour une lettre d'une jeune femme inconnue de lui, Lisa Berndle. Celle-ci lui retrace l'amour qu'elle a éprouvé secrètement pour lui depuis son enfance. Elle évoque les rares étreintes que ce volage amant voulut bien lui accorder d'où d'ailleurs naquit un enfant, mort depuis du typhus. Elle a épousé un diplomate sans lui cacher que son...

耐德的中学校园生存手册 2


  Nickelodeon's Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide chronicles the wacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School, as "every-kid" Ned shatters the fourth wall to share tips and tricks on navigating middle school or junior high hurdles. Ned's not super cool, and he has no superpowers. He is, however, witty, well-groomed, upbeat ...

爱是一个词 2


EinSommermitPaul 2


丧子疑云 7


  Fourteen years after her estranged husband and 4-yr-old boy drown at sea in a terrible storm, the still-shaken, still-troubled mother discovers (in a friend's vacation home-movie) that both ex-husband and now-18-year-old son are alive, the boat disaster faked so the father could abduct his unwitting son. Pulling herself together and out of her shell, the mother races to find th...

TodeinesKeilers 3



特里斯坦和伊索尔德 3



将世界转变成音乐 2



齐奥塞斯库时代的孩童 2


  A new type of discourse about documentary filmmaking sprang up, initially from two filmmakers, Alexandru Solomon and Florin Iepan, who, in the early 2000s, had been attached to a European training initiative (Discovery Masterschool), which strove to facilitate access to the international market for documentary professionals experienced in smaller national markets. Their films, ...

莫乌斯:电影中的生活 7


  French artist and author Jean Giraud is one of the most famous and influential comic strip illustrators and authors of all time. He achieved his greatest fame as Moebius - not so much a pseudonym as an alter ego. With his triple-split personality - Jean Giraud, Moebius, Gir - he succeeded in making his work accessible in popular comic strip series like Blueberry, in metaphysica...

修女和女贼 5


  年轻、性感并且富有极大魅力的Vanessa是一个俱乐部里最红的艳舞女郎,她每晚都要到俱乐部跳脱衣舞,疯狂迷恋她的客人多的数不清。但是这样的日子让Vanessa觉得厌恶。她打算离开俱乐部去过新的生活。没想到她却在无意间目睹了一宗谋杀案并且自己反被捏造谋杀,在警察,毒品卖家 ,凶手的追捕下,她带着装有钻石的密码箱开始四外逃命。躲到了她的孪生姐姐修女玛利亚的修道院后第二天,毒品卖家凶手警察就陆续找上门来,阴差阳错,两姐妹被误认并调换了身份,一系列的事情就这样发生了,她们是否能找出幕后操纵者的证据为自己洗刷罪名…

女儿王莲香 5


  Somewhere in Southern Bavaria Xaver wants to marry Gretel, but her father Kohlhiesel wants his elder daughter Liesel to marry first. The problem is, nobody wants to marry her, because she's too brutal. Seppel suggests, that he should marry Liesel first, get rid of her and then he can marry Gretel...

十字军圣殿骑士 3


  大卫(默寇·朗 Mirko Lang 饰)自幼失去了父母,在修道院里由修道士抚养长大,大卫痴痴的爱慕着名为史黛拉(艾丽卡·巴赫蕾达-库鲁斯 Alicja Bachleda-Curus 饰)的女孩,然而,自认为平凡的他选择将这份感情埋藏在心底。一次偶然中,大卫震惊的发现自己竟然并非普通的人类,而是拥有神灵血统的神族后代。之后,女首领露克莎(凯瑟琳·弗莱明 Catherine H. Flemming 饰)绑架了大卫,对他进行洗脑,让他对原本正义的神殿骑士军团充满了仇恨。
  就在大卫即将杀死圣殿骑士军团的首领罗伯特(哈拉尔德·克拉斯尼策尔 Harald Krassnitzer 饰)之际,史黛拉突然出现告诉大卫,罗伯特其实是他的亲生父亲,大卫这才识破了露克莎的谎言。