"2020" 共找到影视: 16306 部

PikesPeak:OntheEdgeSeason1 9


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2020  

废弃建筑之谜第七季 7


  • 已更新至11集
  • 2020  

  Our long-running series is now into its seventh season as we continue to travel the world to seek out and explore the mysteries behind some of world’s most extraordinary abandoned places. Bridges, prisons, military installations, even entire villages and towns… these and many more have compelling stories to be told and secrets to be uncovered.
  1. Into the Murder Labyrinth
  2. Am...

废弃建筑之谜第六季 3


  • 已更新至11集
  • 2020  

  Some of the world's most amazing engineering projects now lie in ruins. How and why These are the stories of the extraordinary people who originally designed them and of those whose ingenuity and brilliance is now giving many spectacular new life.
  1. World's Strangest Disaster Zones
  2. Swamp of Despair
  3. End Times on Lake Michigan
  4. Hell on Blood Island
  5. Florida Doomsday C...

IntotheCosmos:TheSpaceRace,MarsandBeyond 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  A look at the development of space travel and the potential for humans to one day walk on the surface of Mars. From the desperation of War machines to the curiosity of space exploration. Detailed accounts of previous missions for the exploration of Mars, including the landing of the rovers on the surface of the planet. After the Soviets gained possession of the V2 manufacturing...

DeadSeaScrolls:TheDoomsdayProphecy 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Two thousand years ago, hundreds of Jewish rebels defied the mightiest empire in the world and turned history on its head. The famed mountain fortress of Masada, perched high above the shores of the Dead Sea, witnessed the final battle of the apocalyptic war between the Jews of Judea and the Roman Empire that tore Jerusalem down to its foundation. However, much about this final...

巨型工程第一季 2


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2020  

  《巨型工程》揭示了六个堪称现代奇迹的巨型工程背后的秘密:从欧洲最快的客运火车和最大的豪华游轮,到北美最坚固的桥梁和世界上最强大的重型飞机,再到惊险刺激的超级摩天轮和过山车……节目利用沉浸现实技术和CGI动画,形象展示了这些巨型工程令人瞠目结舌的规模、巨型机械和历史创新。每一种机器或结构都对我们的生活产生了深远的影响,尤其是改变了我们工作、生活或旅行的方式,并让我们得以一窥工程学的未来。在工程师们追逐更大、更快、更好的同时,其背后的科学和技术发展不容忽视。 爱奇艺视频
  1. Super Bridge(超级桥梁/超级大桥)
  2. Mega Cruise Ship(巨型游轮/巨型邮轮)
  3. Mega Plane(巨型飞机/巨型运输机)
  4. Super Train(超级列车)
  5. Mega Wheel(巨型摩天轮)
  6. Super Rollerco...

战舰大时代第二季 6


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2020  

  Take a closer look inside the battleships and submarines that set naval warfare in motion, from prehistoric Viking longships to Vietnam War-era river vessels.
  1. Viking Longships
  2. Stealth
  3. Doomed Vessels
  4. Destroyers and Cruisers
  5. Secrets of the Sea
  6. Galleons and Privateers
  7. The Battle of Leyte Gulf
  8. Amphibious Assaults

BrainSurgeons:BetweenLifeandDeath 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  How do our brains make us who we are This thought-provoking two-part documentary follows patients undergoing complex life-changing brain surgery at Southampton Hospital's Neurological Centre.

Australia'sOceanOdyssey:AJourneyDowntheEastAustralianCurrentSeason1 1


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2020  

  Hidden in our oceans are great rivers of seawater called ocean currents. These are the arteries and veins of planet Earth - a life support system that has helped regulate the Earth’s climate, atmosphere and biological diversity for millions of years.
  Journey with migrating humpback whales as they travel the length of the East Australian Current and explore the incredible divers...

ボクを食べないキミへ人生の食敵 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  味が!匂いが!見た目が!無理! 誰にでもある嫌いな食べ物。

新聞掏寶 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  


Miriam'sBigFatAdventureSeason1 8


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2020  

  The actress travels around the UK to discover why so many people are overweight, despite so much information about healthy lifestyles being available and to learn what impact the obesity crisis is having.

倫敦大瘟疫第一季 7


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2020  

  A re-examination of the events of 1665/6 in the light of the Covid epidemic.
  Presented by Xand van Tulleken, John Sergeant and Raksha Dave.
  Executive Producers: Amanda Lyon, Melanie Darlaston
  Series Producer / Director: Jamie Simpson
  Episodes include…

Tut'sFinalSecrets 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Towering pyramids. Chambers of treasure. Dramatic rituals. This fascinating movie travels back over 3,000 years to retrace the final 100 days of ancient Egypt's most legendary pharaoh Tutankhamun. Find out what daily life was like for the 19-year-old king as he ruled over one of the ancient world's most advanced civilizations.

需要虹 3


  • 已更新至5期
  • 2020  

  NiziU的新番組『We NiziU! ~We need U!~』于2020年11月5日公开,将展示NiziU出道前努力准备的样子。