"2010" 共找到影视: 15880 部

BalletSchool 8


  Five of the most talented dancers from across Wales have won places at the prestigious Elmhurst School for Dance in Birmingham

OhLisboa,MeuLar 2


Negatívmagyarfilmtrténet 3


  Reconstructions of unrealized Hungarian films in cooperation with the greatest Hungarian film directors.

Lanochequenoacaba 1


  Like so many other actors, Ava Gardner hated to watch her films. She said that the woman on the screen wasn't her. But all films tell two stories: the plot and the tale of the bodies filmed. This film narrates what happened between two images: a first shot of 'Pandora' and a first shot of 'Harem', the first and last movie filmed by the actress in Spain. Ava must certainly have ...

黑人公民 10


Virgennegra 5


  En Mozambique, la vida sexual de muchas mujeres comienza cuando son obligadas a casarse a los 10 aos. O con el abuso sexual en las escuelas. Creencias tradicionales como que el SIDA se cura teniendo relaciones con una virgen. Después vendrán los embarazos demasiado seguidos y la poligamia: segunda, tercera, cuarta esposa del marido. Abortos tradicionales provocados con raíces,...

为何男人会燃烧 2


Multinauts 6


EnemyMind 8


瘀 8


酒酒 6


  A drinking party with school seniors and juniors. Jaehong becomes agitated when his friend Yuram discloses an embarrassing secret. A senior tries to placate Jaehong by badmouthing Yuram. With time, everyone attacks everyone, secrets are disclosed and the party becomes a powder keg…

从车子里出来 7


  A city symphony film composed from advertising signs, building facades, abandoned signs of vanished cultural landmarks and fragments of music and conversation of Los Angeles. The director’s effort to record the remnants and the absence of certain things stand for our life’s journey.

SidewalkSymphony 8


MagicintheForest 4
