"2009" 共找到影视: 17040 部

TheOneManBeatles 1


Bigger 5


  Precious Muir is a model from London who has moved to New York to pursue a modeling and acting career. After a year of being only receiving teenage roles she decides to make herself more mature. What would you do to pursue your dreams

Magneettimies 7


Suomenlahdensisaret 1


一帧一帧 1


  In “Cuadro por cuadro”, Lynne Sachs and Mark Street put on a workshop (taller in Spanish) with a group of Uruguan media artists to create handpainted experimental films in the spirit of Stan Brakhage. Sachs and Street collaborate with their students at the Fundacion de Arte Contemporaneo by painting on 16 and 35 mm film, then bleaching it and then hanging it to dry on the roof ...

塞克贺莉·塞克哈里撒 2


Pinter'sProgress 1


We'reLivin'onDogFood 2


  ad feedbackRowland S. Howard, the Primitive Calculators, Ollie Olsen, Phillip Brophy and many others proffer their recollections and air their animosities in a tribute to the Melbourne underground music scene of '77 - '81. The Crystal Ballroom, the 'Little Bands', the Boys Next Door, the drugs, the fashions, the influences, the philosophies, the venues and the legacy of the tim...

B级片幕后 3


  20 年来,他已指示更多比马丁 · 斯科塞斯的电影,他产生了更有利可图比杰里布鲁克海默的电影,他已经激怒了更多的演员比阿尔弗雷德 · 希区柯克。最终的 B 电影纪录片,侧重于 B 电影巨头吉姆 Wynorski (和 B 电影庆祝导师),他试图在 3 天内做出一部故事片。他是定向七十部影片,但他却从来没有一个人......在三天内。吉姆削减的拍摄日程,有自己做饭的演员。B 电影传奇 Roger 科曼,Andy Sidaris,朱莉应变,朱莉 K.纪录片史密斯和丹尼尔,马铃薯

伊朗末代王后与我 3


  纳西德·伯森·萨维斯塔尼(Nahid Persson Sarvestani),伊朗裔瑞典籍女人,著名纪录片导演、制作人——一个当年参与推翻伊朗王室革命的学生,却最终成为革命后伊斯兰政权大清洗的牺牲品,被迫流亡海外。法拉赫,伊朗最后一名王后。王室政权1979年被推翻后,法拉赫随丈夫流亡,晚年定居美国。同样的祖先,同样在国外生存,纪录片《王后与我》记录了这两个女人之间的真实对话,讲述了伊朗末代王后法拉赫的传奇故事。

彼得·格林:饱经风霜的灵魂 4


  Legendary blues guitarist BB King named Peter Green as one of the greatest exponents of the blues, and the 'only guitar player to make me sweat'. If Green had only written Black Magic Woman, his name would still have a place in blues rock history forever.
  His three short years leading Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac saw the band established as one of the biggest-selling groups of t...

沃尔特-早就在抵抗 4


  Gilles Perret has always associated the name "Walter" and the word "resistance." Even before knowing what the latter meant, Gilles knew that his neighbor had been sent to a concentration camp called Dachau. Through this story of Walter Bassan, a former resistance fighter and concentration camp internee from the Haute-Savoie, set against the current political backdrop, two quest...

朋克伊斯兰的诞生 9


  片名很容易讓人以為這是部介紹龐克搖滾(Punk Rock)的音樂電影,事實上它是藉由伊斯蘭龐克從美國辛苦崛起然後反撲到回教國家革命過程的記錄片,進而探討封閉的傳統回教文化與新事物碰撞所擦出的火花和心酸。

TheOtherSong 10


  The film contains the journey taken in search of a lost song. Famous singer Rasoolan Bai from 1950s India used her own singing methods and changed the lyrics to create different versions of the ‘thumri’ (a genre of traditional Indian music) song [My Breasts Are Wounded, Don't Throw Flowers at Me]. Her own singing style and ever-changing lyrics make this song a rare gem. As the ...

如果有一件事是重要的:关于沃尔夫冈·提尔曼斯 8


  Wolfgang Tillmans became known during the nineties for his photos of parties and club life. His pictures had the effect of having been taken at random. Today he is one of the best-known photographers in the world. For four years, filmmaker Heiko Kalmbach followed him around with a video camera, observing his private as well as his professional life. It is Tillmans' voice speaki...