"2004" 共找到影视: 8670 部

触摸邪恶(美版) 9


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2004  

  Based on the British crime drama of the same name, 'Touching Evil' centres around David Creegan, a detective returning to work after surviving a near-fatal gunshot wound to the head. Creegan is a man on the edge with a flair for understanding the criminal mind but also has a tendency to bend the rules when it suits him. When he is assigned to the Organized and Serial Crime Unit...

ShoeboxZooSeason1 1


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2004  

  Colorado-born eleven year old Marnie McBride is mourning the loss of her beloved mother as she settles into her new home in Scotland with her widowed father, who takes her to a run-down junk shop on her eleventh birthday. There, she is given a box of toy animals by a mysterious old man, which spring to life the next morning. She soon learns from these creatures that they are on...

女奴伊佐拉 4


  • 已更新至167集
  • 2004  

  Second version of the Brazilian soap opera of larger success in the exterior. Isaura is born in 1835, in Commander Almeida's farm, in Campos' city, inside the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. She is daughter of beautiful Juliana, slave of the Commander, and of the administrator of the farm, Miguel. Everything gets complicated in her life, when it goes back to the farm Mr. Le...

谋杀展览室 1


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2004  

  The lease on the Dupayne Museum is almost up and under the terms of their father's will, all three of the Dupayne children must agree to continue or the museum is to close. Neville Dupayne is dead set against continuing the museum when the money could be used for a much better purpose. One of the museum's key attractions is the Murder Room, displaying information on a series of...

玫瑰与荆棘 2


  • 已更新至40集
  • 2004  

  Feriha是一名年轻的记者,她正在经历一个生活中的一切都出错的时期。 她从事一项艰巨的工作:解释1970年代土耳其的生活是什么样的,那是一个动荡不安的恐怖时期。

梦幻酒店 1


  • 已更新至19集
  • 2004  

  Not a continuous series with consistent story continuity, but a number of essentially independent stories, 'Love Boat without the cruise ship'. Each episode is set in another exotic holiday destination, interweaving the adventures of local inhabitants and hotel staff and some of the hotel guests, whose problems usually root at home in Europe, with ample images of the local natu...

天地神剑 4


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2004  


编年史 4


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2004  

  Starting in 1949, the series follows four young Danes through 25 years of history and personal developments in a story about finding yourself in a world of changes.

潜在本性 8


  • 已更新至20集
  • 2004  


CenturyCity 4


  • 已更新至9集
  • 2004  

WallofSilence 7


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2004  

自护智多星之人小鬼大 2


  • 已更新至20集
  • 2004  


同志亦凡人第四季 9


  • 已完结
  • 2004  

  Brian Kinney 是自由大道上最性感的野兽,他崇尚性爱,生活对他来说是永无止境的欲望追寻。他最好的朋友 Michael Novotny 暗恋多年无法自发,但他最清楚:这世界上没有人能占有 Brian 。 Michael 和 Brian 的相遇在1985年夏,两人14岁 Brian 是人见人怕的恶霸小鬼,Michael 则是家家欢迎的善良大使。在两人同意青蜂侠比蜘蛛人更酷,而且X战警超级酷之后,他们马上就喜欢上彼此。至于那本里面印着派屈克·史威兹的《热舞十七(Dirty Dancing)》剧照的《人物》杂志…… “你说你觉得派屈克·史威兹很性感?”这可能是前无古人的未完成青少年性爱乐章的序曲——这还得感谢 Michael 他妈,那个突然开门吓坏三个人的好事者。他们从未“完成”那段往事,但从此他们就一直是彼此最好的朋友。 Justin Taylo...

新刀马旦 6


  • 已更新至20集
  • 2004  

  本剧以国民时期为背景,通过身份不同、地位不同的几个年轻人的曲折经历,向人们展示了在那个军阀割据的年代,国人动荡的生活。该剧汇集了辛柏青、常戎、苏岩、汪芫、刘希媛等一批年轻演员。海润连续捧红了陆毅、苏瑾、袁立、陈坤等一批明星,此番《新刀马旦》的阵容能否再度创造偶像神话,就让我们拭目以待吧! 。

knivenihjrtat 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2004