"1997" 共找到影视: 4884 部

乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活第二季 1


  • 已完结
  • 1997  

  King of the Hill 是美国动画情景喜剧,由 Mike Judge和 Greg Daniels于1997年1月12日至2010年5月6日在福克斯发行。故事集中在虚构的德克萨斯州(Texas)的阿伦镇(Arlen)上的 Hank Hill 一家。它试图用保持现实的方法,在日常生活中的常规和世俗方面寻求幽默,并对一些时事和社会现象进行调侃,但相较于恶搞之家(Family Guy)和南方公园(South Park)等其他长寿动画,出发点相较实际及老成。

德州巡警第六季 9


  • 已更新至25集
  • 1997  

  Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas Rangers. They make it their business to battle crime in Dallas and all around the State of Texas.

卡瓦纳诉讼第三季 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1997  

  Mute of Malice
  Kavanagh's defence of an army chaplain accused of killing his brother is made all the more difficult by the fact that his client refuses to speak. Is he simply being uncooperative, or has the trauma of service in Bosnia rendered him mute Meanwhile, Aldermarten faces traumas of his own when the judge involved in his case has a nervous breakdown.
  Blood Money
  When ...

逃之恋 10


  • 已更新至32集
  • 1997  


玻璃舞鞋 1


  • 已更新至10集
  • 1997  

  企业家之子江崎透(保阪尚辉 饰),爱上了一个出生在贫穷鞋匠的家庭的女孩安藤夏(加藤纪子 饰)小夏的哥哥是个有骨气又顽固的鞋匠隆太郎,而他的鞋店正是小透家旗下的一个小工厂「安藤鞋坊」,事实上呢!小夏是安藤家捡回来的养女,而她的亲生母亲 刚好就是小透那个心狠手辣的继母,小夏在知道身世后,想去和生母相认,但那位江崎欧巴桑却不认小夏…这时后,其实隆太郎也对小夏……

职员室 7


  • 已更新至12集
  • 1997  


闪灵悍将第一季 5


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1997  

  A government trained assassin in life, A vengeful hellspawn in death. Brought back from the dead to join Hell's army and release his carnage on anyone that may get in his way. Heaven and Hell battle for his already torn soul, while he wanders the alleys protecting the innocent and destroying the corrupt who disrupt the lives of the innocent. In the meantime he faces the tragedy...

天津往事 2


  • 已更新至20集
  • 1997  


解密高手(美版) 7


  • 已更新至16集
  • 1997  

  Unconventional psychologist Gerry "Fitz" Fitzgerald (Robert Pastorelli) is one of the best police interrogators in the business -- mostly because his own quirks and perversities help him get inside the criminal mind. Mariska Hargitay, Josh Hartnett, Angela Featherstone, and R. Lee Ermey co-star in this ABC drama series based on a popular British mystery series by the same name ...

罗宾汉新传第二季 10


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1997  

  Robin Hood and his band of outlaws which includes Marian, Little John, and Friar Tuck, rob from the rich and give to the poor as they fight against Prince John, the Sheriff of Nottingham, and all other manner of evil people and creatures. Magic plays as much a part as the sword and the arrow.

心之所在第一季 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1997  

  There's a plain and simple fact here: This is a good show!! It is a soap opera, and it is good. Yes, I never thought I would say this about a soap but this real. It is a real show about real people with real lives and it's normal!! That's the difference with British soap actors and American ones: The British ones are actors, the American ones are stars! ACTOR-STAR they are not ...

一份不适合女人的工作第一季 2


  • 已更新至3集
  • 1997  

  Cordelia Gray inherits Pryde's Detective Agency when her mentor and partner commits *******. Her first solo assignment is to determine why a young man committed *******.

无声的证言第二季 9


  • 已更新至8集
  • 1997  

  Silent Witness follows the work of forensic pathologist Dr. Sam Ryan, played by Amanda Burton. The series was created by an ex-police officer, Nigel McCrery - who has also published five Silent Witness novels based on the series

炎奉行大冈越前守 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1997  

  江戸時代の奉行として知られる大岡越前守忠相。激動の時代を生きた彼の人生を六部構成で描く。「大岡越前の血気盛んな青年時代から、8代将軍吉宗に抜擢され江戸南町奉行として活躍するようになるまでを、松の廊下の刃傷事件や赤穂浪士討ち入り、盗賊雲霧仁左衛門との対決、天一坊事件など様々なエピソードを交えて描く。市川團十郎が大岡越前を演じ、市川新之助が少年時代の越前を演じている。【この項、ホームドラマチャンネル広報資料より引用】」ロケ協力京都山科随心院、京都大覚寺、京都北野天満宮、粟生光明寺、世界文化遺産姫路城、元離宮二条城。茶道指導小嶋 京楓