"1992" 共找到影视: 4021 部

NovyHyperionanebVolnost,rovnost,bratrství 9


  A real and incomplete story, lived and played out by philosophers and heads of state and church, artists and party secretaries, scholars and ministers of the governments of the federation and republic, pensioners and prisoners, trades-unionists and civil servants, dissidents and the si-called "grey zone", preachers and armed men, radicals of the right and the left, both former ...

Lavozdelospauelos 10


南十字座 4


BlacktothePromisedLand 3


Lesteak 2


阴森女性 10


  Vom Anfang der Geschichte an sind Frauen auch Tterinnen. Sie sind so mutig und tapfer wie die Mnner, sie knnen genauso grausam und verbrecherisch sein und natürlich auch so geil. Dennoch existiert bis heute das Idealbild von Weiblichkeit ‘aggressionslos – friedfertig – asexuell’, mit dem die Frauen über Jahrhunderte unterdrückt wurden. Der Film zeigt Soldatinnen, Partisaninn...

欢迎光临大教堂 5


  A rare record of the German Act-Up (Aids Coalition to Unleash Power) movement. At the closing prayer of the German Bishops’ Conference on 26 Septemb...

SteppingRazor:RedX 3


拥堵:现在开始 1


  The first episode of the trilogy dedicated to Halle-Neustadt, an industrial city out of commission where GDR citizens were once lured into by higher salaries. The movie caused a stir for its approach to the skinheads issue. On the track of the neo-nazi youth in Neustadt, Heise meets the family of one the boys: his father Heinz Gleffe, a worker at the Leuna refinery, and his mot...

上帝的时代 4


  “Age of the Gods” asks a fundamental question: can the aesthetical and the political be separated Dammbeck had begun to study Arno Breker while he was working on the “Herakles-Konzept”. The sculptor and protégé of Adolf Hitler had established some ties to the fringes of the art world in the FRG with various portrait commissions, including for Ernst Jünger and Peter Ludwig. The...

Viimeinenkes1944 6


  A plunge into the last months of Finland's WWII in all its tired gruesomeness. A fugue of dour, sad, doubt-ridden, sorrow-filled faces, confessions and oratorical detours, an in memoriam of a time and people gone by. A masterpiece of AV oral history.
  Finland won the Winter War, and fast. The Continuation War was something else: the fighting went on for more than three years (Ju...