"1986" 共找到影视: 3462 部

清江行 3



民族观念 4


  ETHNIC NOTIONS is Marlon Riggs' Emmy-winning documentary that takes viewers on a disturbing voyage through American history, tracing for the first time the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice. Through these images we can begin to understand the evolution of racial consciousness in America. Loyal Toms, carefree Sambos, faithful Mammies, grinning Coons,...

X:TheUnheardMusic 10


  They all said X's music is "too hard, too wild, too insane, too dirty," said Ray Manzarek of the Doors, spouting excuses made by the reams of record companies that passed on what would become one of the most essential, celebrated and admired West Coast bands of the late 20th century. Manzarek produced the first three albums for the pioneering punk-rock quartet (vocalist Exene C...

邪恶修道院:改编翁贝托·埃科的《玫瑰之名》 2


  A German TV documentary that chronicles the daily rehearsals, the filming and all the behind the scenes of Jean-Jacques Annaud's classic "The Name of the Rose". From actors perspectives to the ideas used by the director to produce an impeccable international epic adaptation of Umberto Eco's best selling novel, the film presents the obstacles behind the creation of a production ...

锋利边缘 8



BigFunintheBigTown 8


介绍《婚姻生活》 3


InsidetheLabyrinth 9


  A behind-the-scenes look at the David Bowie film Labyrinth (1986), also featuring director Jim Henson and co-star Jennifer Connelly.

神州大地女儿国 6



新的搏击——记中国女排四连冠 7


  片名 新的搏击——记中国女排四连冠
  编导 张景泰
  摄影 冯伯九 张公甫 郝亚非
  出品年 1986
  拍摄单位 新影

Καλπατρδασντροφε 9


  The Greek political refugees from the civil war (1946-1949) in the village Beloiannisz, which they built on their own, close to Budapest in Hungary, in the early 1950s. Their lives under forced exile and their unending desire to return home.

中国笔记 6


  In 1984 Jrgen Leth, cinematographer Dan Holmberg and sound recordist Niels Torp travelled some 6,000 kilometres by train through China. The result is a very calm, beautifully perceived travelogue borne by unprejudiced curiosity and observational ability. A riverboat in a landscape of sugar-top mountains in Southern China and the many shots from the train journey are the visual...

布达佩斯画像 9


  "[BUDAPEST PORTRAIT] may be his strongest essay yet on the naturalization of the urban landscape. For Hutton, the city is less a social matrix than a verdant asphalt jungle. Close-up portraits of two ancient rag-pickers and a succession of elderly peasant women aside, virtually every other person shown is dominated by the surroundings. Human presence is often suggested merely b...

未完的事务 9


  1942年春:联邦调查局签署了9066号行政命令,超过11万名日裔美国人,其中大多数是美国公民,被送往拘留营。三名年轻人——俄勒冈州的律师闵亚锡、华盛顿贵格会大学的学生戈登平房(Gordon Hirabayashi)和海湾地区的焊工弗雷德·韩国松(Fred Koreamatsu),因违反针对日裔美国人的法律而被判入狱;美国最高法院支持他们的判决。四十年后,这三个文件起诉他们推翻判决。这部纪录片讲述了他们的故事,有助于打破40年来的沉默和羞耻。到文件结束时,法院的诉讼程序仍未完成。

Afuturamemoria:PierPaoloPasolini 7


  纪录片的开头是奥逊·威尔斯读《羅馬媽媽》的声音。 不久之后,在电影最动人的时刻之一,是帕索里尼的声音正在阅读《Supplica a Mia Madre》的歌词,标志着电影中最强烈的时刻之一,这不仅是一种记忆,也是一种对所有在他有生之年阻碍他的人的指责,当他1975年之后,劳拉·贝蒂去世了,“谴责他自己的谋杀罪。”这些是劳拉贝蒂的话,就像其他为他工作的演员。 与塞尔吉奥·西蒂、莫拉维亚、达西亚·马拉尼在电影中出现。 这个致敬是通过电影剪辑,存档画面,家庭照片(以及他堂兄Nico Naldini的回忆),采访片段构建的。