"1972" 共找到影视: 2681 部

针孔世界 8


镭的探险 3


妖精之诗 6


  Written and directed by Susumo Hani, this French-Italian-Japanese documentary film chronicles the life of the director's 6-year-old daughter Mio (Mio Hani), a Japanese girl who moves with her family to Sardinia. This film tells the story of her adaptation to her new setting and the adaptation the local children make to her. It begins with her first day of school as she walks in...

格拉斯顿伯里狂欢 8


  Glastonbury Fayre is a 1972 documentary film of the 1971 Glastonbury Festival which was held on 20 June-24 June 1971.

外派人员 8


  Five families have settled in an abandoned weather station on the east coast of Greenland. For 11 months of the year, they are cut off from the outside world. But they prefer to live their lives as hunters, to be their own masters, rather than living in urban slums.

FortheFuture 4


  Inspiration for vocational training for young Greenlanders in 1973. Many of the courses can be taken in Nuuk, but for others the students had to go to Denmark to complete.

Ulrikfortllerenhistorie 10


  Ulrik Pivat is one of the last storytellers on Greenland's east coast. He tells an old Greenlandic tale about two young boys who went out into the world to see if there were people other than themselves and their parents. The story is told in East Greenlandic and is illustrated with East Greenlandic children's drawings. The film was shot in Kangerdlugssuaq (Kangerlussuaq) and i...

风雪流 2



BaileyonVisconti 2



广场上的帐篷 3


  The film recounts the struggle of the factory workers of five Italian factories, Cagli, Coca Cola, Filodont, Luciani and Metalfer. A montage of interviews in which the workers denounce the hardships and difficulties of living without wages and put forward their proposals for getting out of the crisis and for change. The workers of the occupied factories decide to put up a tent ...

速度爱好者 5


  What is it that makes a man race How does he balance courting danger with ordinary daily life What is it that compels him to resist retirement This definitive documentation of a racing season - the 1972 Sports Car Manufacturer’s Championship - offers fascinating insights into the lives, loves and motivations of professional racing car drivers...with terrific track action alo...

passagen 10


14441kvadrat 6


  Godina was ordered to make a short film glorifying the army, but instead made a film about making love, not war. The censors hacked it up, but he managed to save one complete copy.

欢迎田中角荣总理大臣访华 10

