"1967" 共找到影视: 2577 部

DergroeundderkleineWilli 3


TheSongofItaly 6


TheSongofAssisi 8


TheSongofAvila 8


我烧着了! 7


  Another one from "opowiesci niesamowite"

双联画 7


  Two seemingly distinct volets: in the first we see an old farmer and his dog shot in stark black and white. The second features a succession of “tableaux vivants” in startling colour featuring houseplants and kittens.

Volleyball 1


  • 译名:
  • 类别:短片  
  • 语言:

  A volleyball is rolled into the frame and comes to rest. Two legs in sneakers, seen from the knees down, enter the frame and stand beside it. Cut to new angle, same characters and actions. Camerawork by Bud Wirtschafter.

手工染色 10


1933 5


  • 译名:
  • 类别:短片  
  • 语言:

帕翁切洛 3


  In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs. Szczebieniew is aware of it but he hopes that at least this way she can bear him an heir. However, he makes sure that she is always accompanied by Emelianow, Szczebieniew's servant and confidant. One day, in a movie t...

TheLiberationoftheManniqueMechanique 8


  A haunting, genuinely decadent work about mannequins that may be real and girls that may be models, journeying through strange universes towards possible self-discovery.
  An exorbitant, perverse sensibility informs the ambiguous images and events.

DeadYouth 2


十二金刚洗劫工业城 3


  France - 1967 - 98’
  D'après Richard Stark (Donald Westlake).
  Avec Daniel Ivernel, Michel Constantin, Irène Tunc, Franco Interlenghi, Philippe Moreau, Paul Le Person.
  Une bande de voleurs s'empare du commissariat et du central téléphonique d'une ville moyenne, aux pieds d'une montagne. Ils ont quelques heures pour la vider de son argent. Ils ignorent qu'ils participent à une ven...

绝密 2


黑夜与清晨之间的圣保利 10


  Helmut Schmidt ist ein agiler und strebsamer Inspektor im Dienst der Interpol Zürich. Eisern verfolgt er eine Spur von gefhrlichen Rauschgifthndlern. Dieser Fall führt ihn nach Hamburg. Mit den dortigen Kollegen beschliet er, sich in die Bande einzuschleusen. Die schne Tnzerin Arlette ist ihm dabei behilflich. Inspektor Schmidt verliebt sich in Arlette. Inzwischen arbeitet...