"1966" 共找到影视: 2356 部

BethaniaBemdePerto-APropósitodeumShow 9


  这部黑白短片给了我一个惊喜,它所记录的是60年代末里约一群还没出名的女性音乐人和艺术家小群体的真实生活,其中几位像Maria Bethania和Rosinha de Valena是我非常喜欢的巴西女歌手,也是巴西TROPILICA运动的代表人物,唱BOSSANOVA的Silvinha Telles居然也在里面,还有Maria Bethania的表哥Caetano Veloso,Glauber Rocha的妹妹Anecy Rocha以及前卫女性艺术家Susana de Moraes等人。如今还能看到她们当年充满着青春激情的生活,感觉不错,很喜欢巴西新民歌音乐和电影。
  当年从巴伊亚州前往大城市里约寻找机遇的民谣女歌手Maria Bethania,首次取代了如日中天的BOSSANOVA女王Nara Leao而参加了里约电台举办的音乐秀节目,是她个人音乐生...

业余话剧舞台艺术片 2


  1965年2月25日至4月5日,在北京进行了华北区话剧歌剧观摩演出会。华北地区一千三百多名话剧、歌剧工作者参加。来自河北省、山西省、內蒙古自治区、北京市及中国人民解放军北京部队的十六个话剧、歌剧表演团体演出二十五个话剧、歌剧。大会还邀请了工农兵业余演出队演出他们创作的小 型话剧、歌剧。北京电影制片厂为其中部分业余话剧拍摄了舞台艺术片。

大庆战歌 5



Barenboim,Ashkenazy:DoubleConcerto-Documentaryof1966 9


  On the 11th March 1966, two great young pianists appeared together in public for the first time: Daniel Barenboim and Vladimir Ashkenazy played Mozart's Concerto for two pianos at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon.
  This was also the first time that the English Chamber Orchestra was promoting its own concert.
  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Concerto in E Flat for two pianos.
  0:31 Workshop

变奏曲5 7


  First composed and performed in 1965, Variations V is a true testament to 1960's experiments with "intermedia"—a coexistence and cutting across of artistic genres that profoundly informed Cunningham's choreographic practice. Video is materially integrated into the performance, with projections by Stan VanDerBeek and overlaid TV distortions by Nam June Paik enveloping the dancer...

团结就是力量——中日青年第一届友好大联欢续集 5



光辉的榜样——毛主席的好学生焦裕禄 8



HighSteel 9


  This short documentary offers a dizzying view of the Mohawk Indians of Kahnawake who work in Manhattan erecting the steel frames of skyscrapers. Famed for their skill in working with steel, the Mohawks demonstrate their nimble abilities in the sky. As a counterbalance, the viewer is also allowed a peek at their quieter community life on the Kahnawake Reserve, in Quebec.

SydBarrett'sFirstTrip 1


  This experimental silent short is very rare (filmed in 8mm) and only lasts 11 minutes. Nigel Gordon, film student, filmed Syd Barrett while he tripped on mushrooms. This film is made up of two parts. Part 1: Syd tripping at Gog Magog Hills. Part 2: April '67, Pink Floyd right after they signed their first recording contract, with EMI Records at Abbey Road Studios. (imdb)

David,Moffett,andOrnette:TheOrnetteColemanTrio 4


  n Paris in the spring of 1966, Ornette Coleman, controversial Free Jazz composer, wrote and recorded the soundtrack for a Living Theatre project, a film entitled Who's crazy This documentary short is a record of the two days Ornette spent in the studio making music with collaborators, virtuoso bass player David Izenson (formerly of the NBC Symphony Orchestra) and drummer Charl...

三个世界的男人:卢基诺·维斯康蒂 8


  “Man of Three Worlds: Luchino Visconti,” a 1966 BBC program exploring Visconti’s mastery of cinema, theater, and opera direction

佛罗伦萨之殇 9


  Per Firenze (Florence: Days of Destruction) is a documentary about the 1966 Flood of the Arno River and its catastrophic effect on the city of Florence. Directed by Franco Zeffirelli, it is Zeffirelli's only documentary, and features the only known footage of the flood. The film is 50 minutes long, and was produced by RAI. Released a month after the disaster, it reputedly raise...

观音得道香花山大贺寿 10



希腊的消息 1


  Shot two years before the military junta began to rule the country, Von Griechenland reflects upon the instability, which has characterized Greek government in the 20th century, culminating in the victory and eventual dismissal of liberal politician Georgios Papandreou.

TravellingForALiving 3


  This film follows the life of Hull folk group The Watersons, which is made up of brothers and sisters Michael Waterson, Norma Waterson, Elaine Waterson (more commonly known as Lal Waterson), and their cousin John Harrison, as they spend a large amount of their time on the road in their van travelling between one folk club and the next.