"1926" 共找到影视: 976 部

That'sMyBaby 1


WhyGirlsGoBackHome 10


LáskyKacenkyStrnadové 8


  Kacenka is a country girl who is sent by her uncle to Prague, where she works at first as a helper in a grocer's shop and later in a butcher's shop. Her sweetheart, Vincek, follows her to town but he has no luck. Kacenka, according to the predictions of a gipsy meets a rich engineer named Romanovsky who charms fer. One night thieves break into the butcher's villa and rob the sa...

Falesnákocicka 3


  Dentist Verner wants to get married but, apart from his housekeeper Amálka, he cannot bear any woman near him. He thinks that he will be able to find a simple girl from a lower social class and then he intends taking her in hand. The first attempts end unsatisfactorily and Verner has to recover in the Karlovy Vary spas. Amálka, however, meets a young girl here, Milca Janotová, ...

GoodandNaughty 8


爱情的果实 4


佛罗伦萨的小提琴家 6


45MinutesfromHollywood 6


美利坚的维纳斯 7


三个小偷 10


  Le banquier peu scrupuleux Ornano vend sa maison, en Italie, pour réaliser avec les trois millions obtenus une affaire juteuse au détriment de la population affamée par les mauvaises récoltes. Sa femme envoie à son amant un billet lui expliquant où est caché l'argent. Le billet est intercepté par Cascaril, gentleman-cambrioleur qui, la nuit venue, se précipite au domicile du ba...

WhatstheWorldComingTo 4


  Set 100 years in the future, women dominate society and men are the "weaker" sex, assuming the stereotypical roles of pampered women. A stay-at-home husband of a well-off successful businesswoman, Billie, is cheating on her. Another dominant woman tries to seduce Cook, but a ruckus breaks out when Billie returns home and finds the two flirting.

MemoryLane 5


  Mary, on the day of her wedding to Jimmie, finds she has not lost her affection for another sweetheart, Joe. A confrontation arises when Jimmie discovers that Joe has come along on their honeymoon.

ThePlasticAge 9


唐人街之旅 8


姑妈驾到 1
