"葡萄牙语" 共找到影视: 5556 部

受苦的战役 8


Jangada 5


最后...... 2


TheRighttoWin 4


  Ten years after his tragic accident on the Imola circuit, he remains a hero; a source of inspiration and an example for many to follow. In this new film, personal recollections from Formula One drivers and from relatives and friends give a passionate insight into his genius, his complicated personality and a deeper understanding of his motivation and deep commitment to motor ra...

ONovoTestamentoDeJesusCristoSegundoJoo 1


  THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN read by Luis Miguel Cintra, one of the most prominent Portuguese actors. A glimpse at a personal experience of Jesus, filmed outdoors, from dawn to sunset, and materialized in the grain of the voice, the expression, control, rhythm and breath of the actor himself.

Cativeiro 2


  To be captive is to be confined, both in space and in time. The captive one is not only and necessarily a prisoner, but becomes an inherent part of that space, his identity being continually projected on it. The captivity space itself is in turn not inert it is rather characterized by whomever it contains, it is shaped by that experience.

LookingBackatYou 10


一切为真 4


我将仗剑何为? 1


  The Carnation Revolution is threatened by the interference of certain foreign powers that it sees a danger. In the river Tagus ‘hover’ the Allied ships NATO , among which stands out the aircraft carrier U.S.

东帝汶:看不见的大屠杀 8


  In 1975, after the Carnation Revolution, Portugal abandoned their East Timor colony in the island of Timor. The locals proclaimed self-independents, but a couple of days later Indonesia invaded and occupied the East Timor lands. The East Timorese people was humiliated, murdered and slaughtered along twenty-four years, but resisted and fought for their independence. In 1999, the...

OSentidodaVida 10


  PRODUCTION DESIGN As the investigation into the purpose of existence is long and constant, the shooting of THE MEANING OF LIFE follows its own rhythm. Our protagonist has just found out he suffers from an incurable disease. While his finite nature becomes palpable, an urge to travel the world, meet new people, experience new landscapes, find himself, and discover the meaning of...

一则特殊战争的消息 5


  Considered one of the best contemporary Brazilian documentaries, this film offers a chilling portrayal of violence in Rio de Janeiro. The film depicts the daily life of a Favela that has been taken over by the drug war. It offers sharp interviews with several individuals involved in the conflict including security specialists, policemen, drug dealers, and shantytown dwellers wh...

光辉岁月-球王贝利 4


Autografia 6


  葡萄牙超现实主义诗人,画家Mário Cesariny晚年传记片