"罗马尼亚语" 共找到影视: 1211 部

竞赛 7


轻轻的安娜塔西亚走了 10


  A border town on the Danube, 1944. The town is occupied by the Germans, and there are plenty of collaborators. A number of the young men join the partisans, kill a Serbian, and throw his body into the village, forbidding anyone to bury it - Anastasia refuses to obey the ord...

Lunaverde 6


普罗库斯特之床 10


  The film starts pretty slow and straight-forwardly. Good, but almost ordinary storytelling. The setting is the 1920's in Bucharest and we get to have a feeling of that time and place. We learn of the obvious traits of all the characters. Emilia is promiscuous. Ladima is too nice and platonic (man of integrity). Fred was/is madly in love with a woman (Madame T), but nothing is c...

森林中的女人 1


  In Transylvania, in the 19th century, the village birthplace of a rich farmer's son is undergoing a cholera epidemic when he returns from studying at a university, and bodies are being removed from houses. Once at home, he spies the beautiful daughter of a local forester. However, one of his father's servants has also seen her, and they become rivals in love.
  Director Nicolae M...

从地狱回来 2


  第一次世界大战前夕,杜米特鲁接到父母亡故的消息后,回到穷乡僻壤的老家。富户格里戈尔的女儿卡特莉娜暗恋着他。杜米特鲁和出身贫寒的维罗尼卡青梅竹马,彼此相爱。因杜米特鲁出去后杳无音信,她就与忠厚老实的杨· 罗舒结了婚。杜回来后,他们仍然相爱,但已无法挽回。杜米特鲁和卡特莉娜结了婚。不久,战争爆发,杜、杨和村里的青年一起应征人伍。行军途中杜和杨由于嫉妒而互相仇视。他们在战场上过着地狱般的生活,两人恰巧被分在一个部队里。一次冲锋中杜头部受重伤,在地上奄奄一息。杨恻隐之心油然而生,为他包扎、喂食,并忍饥挨饿把杜背离战场,想顺便开小差回家。忽然一颗炸弹把杨炸死了。杜悔恨交加,内心自责。杜米特鲁在战场上神经失常,被送到精神病院。他逃出医院到家告诉维罗尼卡,她丈夫是好人,是他救了白己。警察来把杜抓回了医院。在一个月明星稀夜晚,杜放火烧了自己的木屋,自己在熊熊燃烧的木...

Valuri 5


  At the seaside, on the beach, two people experience extreme situations. A beautiful Western mother asks a gypsy boy to look after her 4 year old baby; a husband and father fights ennui by flirting with the same beautiful foreigner while teaching her how to swim. But the story takes a different course when the beautiful mother disappears in the waves and the gypsy boy realises t...

交叉会议 6



周日休假 2


  It is late in the Ceausescu era in Romania, and Cristina is having a difficult time with her boyfriend. He wants her to have sex with him before he goes off to do his obligatory stint in the army. She wants him to marry her first. She also gets involved with a slightly rebellious actor, a would-be ladies' man. He has some vague plans to defect - could those be the reason he is ...

意大利姑娘 8


  The Italian is the story of two sisters in a village in Oltenia go illegally to pick strawberries in Spain. After a year, when they return home victorious with Western air, the girls say that they have been in Spain, the strawberries, but in Italy, the grape. The truth is, however, another, more sunbru. Women in the village are those that best understand and support the drama S...

迷失的森林 1


布朗科瓦努人 4


诬告 3


  This is a film about love, crime of passion, revenge, happening in the Romanian countryside, late XIX century.

皮泰斯蒂实验 10


Utěnemámrád 5


  13-year-old Marek shoots videos with social themes, making him an outsider among his classmates. At home, his peaceful relationship with his mother is disrupted by his mother’s new acquaintance. In the most sensitive phase of his life, he meets Tereza. Despite their social differences, they develop a liking for each other. Soon teenage games spiral out of control with a simulat...