"瑞士德语" 共找到影视: 233 部

情迷意碎 7


  A crush is emotionally very draining: what to do with all the infatuation, especially when it is unrequited Ella Rocca questions the person they adore, the internet and themselves. The data is sampled into an essay about a very (in)determinate feeling.

我的老爸 7


  Rudi Vit belongs to an endangered species: he is a senior executive who is due to retire after 43 years during which work was the centre of his life. Steven, his son, follows this moment of transition with his camera. He paints a clinical and sensitive portrait of an ordinary 20th century man who reconnects with family life, from which he has long remained a distant figure.

我心中的熊 2


  At the far end of the Alaskan peninsula, for filmmaker Roman Droux a childhood dream comes true. Together with the researcher David Bittner he discovers the universe of wild grizzlies at smelling-distance.

野狼回归 5



良心商家 10



让·唐格利 5


  "Everything is in motion - inertia doesn't exist!" Jean Tinguely cast a spell over the public with his works his entire life. His poetic machines and moving sculptures have fascinated people all over the world.

是谁害怕爱丽丝·米勒? 6


  The bestselling author of The Drama of the Gifted Child and a celebrated advocate of children's rights, Dr. Alice Miller was one of the world's most famous psychotherapists. Upon death in 2010, her son Martin began to tell his own story.

离婚父母在我家 2


  For Alyssia and Ilaria, every farewell is also a reunion. Just a while ago they were at the Italian Mediterranean coast, now here they are standing at a parking lot in front of an Esso gas station, waiting for their father’s car to appear around the corner. Affectionately, they bid their mother good-bye for now. The two sisters’ parents are separated. Just like Carleton, Sheraz...

戒掉 4


  关于瑞士声音实验艺术家Andy Guhl和Norbert Mslang的纪录片。
  Drawing on trace elements of Jazz and Arte Povera, Swiss duo Andy Guhl and Norbert Moslang use a range of cracked everyday electronic equipment to create abstract sound environments. Alongside free improvisation, they've devoted over 30 years to obsessively fathoming the potential of generative composition by analogue, non-computer-stee...

黄金国土 9


  瑞士导演马库斯·伊姆霍夫(Markus Imhoof)的作品往往聚焦于有争议的社会问题。伊姆霍夫的作品《山》(Der Berg,1990)、《船已满员》(Das Boot ist voll,1981)曾被提名柏林金熊奖,导演凭借后者获第31届柏林电影节杰出成就奖。时隔多年,伊姆霍夫再次亮相柏林。最新的纪录片《黄金国度》灵感来自于伊姆霍夫在第二次世界大战期间与意大利难民儿童Giovanna的相遇,影片走遍地中海、黎巴嫩、意大利、德国和瑞士,尝试探究世界难民危机的根源。

黑暗之星:H.R.吉格的世界 8



Electroboy 8


新国度 7


  Teacher Zingg has only one goal: to help the young refugees on his integration course in Basel to find a place in society. But is there a place for them in this country

父亲的花园:父母之爱 3



采得百花成蜜后 7


  耀眼的自然风光,奥斯卡奖提名导演:马库斯 依穆胡夫足迹踏遍全球,途径加利福尼亚州,瑞士,中国和澳大利亚,探寻濒临灭绝的蜜蜂种族。这是一次比以往任何有关蜜蜂主题的电影都更雄心勃勃的电影。
  瑞士电影导演Markus Imhoof的纪实影片《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)用大量的实际素材探讨了蜜蜂死亡的原因。《比蜂蜜更多》...