"波斯语" 共找到影视: 1081 部

扎汗纳玛宫殿 2


  A documentary about the restoration works on Jahan-Nama, which for years served as the Shah’s palace. By examining the palace and the restoration work being carried out, Kiarostami takes the opportunity to talk about professions and techniques that are gradually becoming extinct.

10+4(Dahbealavehchahar) 3


  2002年,在阿巴斯.基阿魯斯米達作品《十段生命的律動》(Ten)之中演而優則導的Mania Akban,繼上回《20 FINGERS》(第三屆)透視女性在伊斯蘭社會的面面觀,今次再以車內的時間對話,探討女性問題。4年之後,Akbari經阿巴斯的鼓勵下,執起導筒拍攝此片之際,卻傳來得了乳癌的噩耗。沒有呼天搶地的對話,也不見悲天憫人的劇情,Akbari把罹癌的事實與友人的真情對話,化為《10+4活著就是明天》電影的力量,延續現代女性面對生活的種種內心矛盾與交戰。戲名命名為《活著就是明天》,向恩師阿巴斯的前作致敬,在溫哥華、釜山、西班牙、芝加哥、三藩市巡迴展映

面纱下的足球 10



先知的孩子们 10


  The mourning period MOHARRAM presents the religious highlight for SHIITE Muslims. This film follows four different groups of people in today's TEHERAN. Young religious men come closer to eachother during this major event,ending in the DAY OF ASHURA - known for its traditional flagellation ritual.People are careful but surprisingly open to talk about politics.

马尔利克山区的考古 7


  A beautiful short by the Iranian director about the archaelogical excavations in the area of the Marlik hills. Narrated by Golestan, the film features a reflective voice-over text exploring the lives, hopes and myths of the people who once lived there and who live there today. A very lyrical film, and a small masterpiece.

伊朗皇室珠宝 1


  When the Shah-era Ministry of Culture asked Ebrahim Golestan for a documentary on Iran’s crown jewels, they didn’t expect an acidic indictment of the regime’s politics. Previously released only in a diluted version, this vanguard masterpiece can now be seen for the first time in its unexpurgated original version.
  Ebrahim GOLESTAN (1922, Iran) grew up in a well-to-do family. He ...

家庭战争游戏 3


  Djalal has loved weapons since before he could walk. But success in the virtual world, where thousands of followers watch his videos, is not enough – so he heads to Afghanistan as a sniper. Unfortunately, actual war is a dull business that drags on endlessly. Will the young man, who is still searching for his place in the real world, realize that the game is over and that it’s ...

AhmadShamlou:MasterPoetofLiberty 4


  This fascinating documentary explores the life of Persian writer Ahmad Shamlou, who was nominated for the Noble Prize in Literature in 1984 and is considered to be one of Iran's most significant poets. Involved in social and political issues, Shamlou faced the banning of his books and spent time in jail for his writings. Numerous prominent Iranian artists, literary historians a...

面纱下的罪恶 7



Entezar 5


孤独者阿莫 6



Zarin 1


生命之樹 6



天堂捎来的喜讯 7


  In a remote village in the North of Iran, in a villager family, the mother is very ill, and everyone in the village lost hope she would recover. The villagers tell the children that only God can help her. One of the sons writes a letter addressed to God and send it. The letter falls into the hand of a post office employee who tells everyone in the post office about it. They dec...

第五种反应 8


  Fereshteh loses her home and her two sons after her husband's accidental death when Hadj Safdar, her stubborn and powerful father-in-law, forces her to return to her parents. She is faced with the loss of her visitation rights when Hadj plans to send his grandchildren to live in a remote town. With the help of her circle of women friends she tries to take them beyond his reach,...