"波斯尼亚语" 共找到影视: 87 部

卡塔利娜 1


  Colombian girl, who studies law in France, arrives to Sarajevo in order to write a study about the War Crimes Tribunal. Unexpectedly she finds herself in the center of the intimate tragedy of her new friend, a native woman.

金色山谷的夏天 1


  就在这一个一切都四分五裂的地方,两名腐败的警察决定发一笔乱世横财:绑架富豪的女儿再假装正义的把她救下,以此得到富翁作为报答的丰厚酬金.为不亲自露面他们找到了影片男主角--邋遢,穿着松松垮垮嘻哈衣服,呆头鹅一般的青年小混混Fikret,而此刻的Fikret也正因有人在父亲的葬礼上称其父欠下巨债而为筹钱伤透脑筋,于是答应了警察的要求,并叫上自己的朋友Tiki一起行动.而这个看似简单的绑架勒索却因Fikret, Tiki, 和被绑的女孩儿的种种关系完全偏离了轨迹,整个故事因此变得不可预料又极富黑色喜感.影片情节丰满紧凑,出人意料,全片rap配乐,节奏感强烈又显得玩世不恭.

我的姑妈在萨拉热窝 3


  Zlatan hasn't been in Bosnia since he fled the war in 1992, but now his daughter want to know more about her roots. But Anja doesn't know too much about her fathers roots either. How can he tell her about his past Will she understand

当我们是他们 6


  Surrounded by minefields and destruction from the Bosnian war and not welcome by everyone, thousands of migrants are still stranded in the northern part of the war-torn country. Their flimsy tents set up in the woods or abandoned socialist era buildings offer no protection from the harsh Bosnian winter. The food, clothes, firewood and communication are problems but nothing comp...

悲剧之土 4


  Dark and melancholic reflection on the Srebrenica massacre and the tragedy’s reverberations in the half-empty city, where three of the survivors each bear the heavy testimony of the past.
  Featuring footage from a ceremony held 20 years after the genocide in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, ‘Disturbed Earth’ opens the door to a dark chapter in modern European history. A truck dec...

世界尽头的来信 2


  An international chronicle of the early days of Covid-19 lock-down in 14 personal home movies. From the Bistrik7 collective, graduates of Béla Tarr's film.factory.

兄弟手足 3



出色 8


  On September, 8 2019 Sarajevo hosts its first Pride March. Are people ready for this event

留下什么/重访 10


  In 2008 und 2009, Clarissa Thieme travelled through Bosnia-Herzegovina and set up her camera in places where war crimes had taken place in the 1990s. Those trips resulted in the short film Was bleibt | Sta ostaje | What remains (Forum Expanded 2010). Now she returns to these locations and sets up her camera in precisely the same spots, with two women carrying a still from the f...

Can'tyouseethem-Repeat. 4


  Sarajevo during the siege i...

石头演讲者 4


  20世纪90年代波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那内战结束后,经济体制转向资本主义。然而直到今天,经济还没有真正起飞。因此,资源丰富的社区将自己重新命名为独特的旅游目的地,以促进经济增长。梅德朱戈里是一个国际朝圣圣地,据报道,孩子们在那里看到了圣母玛利亚。维塞格·安德烈(Visegrád)向作家伊沃·安德烈(Ivo Andri)致以敬意,他在附近新建了一片石碑建筑。当图兹拉贫瘠的盐矿停止产生收入时,当局把这些盆地变成了湖泊。据报道,在维索科,一座山丘隐藏着据说可以产生宇宙能量场的金字塔。Igor Drljaa用一台观测照相机显示了这些地方,用当地人的陈述将图像编辑在一起。他轻描淡写地评价了一个仍被过去所掩盖的社会。Kameni Govornici揭示了波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那作为一个仍在分裂中的国家的多民族身份危机-其居民试图获得立足点,不是通过事实,而是通过宗教...

矿 8

  Miners in a Bosnian coal mine. The camera silently watches over the miners working tirelessly amidst endless noise and the flickering light of lanterns. The director, who studies film in a graduate program under Tarr Béla, follows the miners with her undivided attention.

欧罗巴漂浮旅店 6


  When this film’s director was still a boy, he stood in front of “Flotel Europa“ and was hugely excited about the prospect of this gigantic ship moored in the port of Copenhagen becoming a new home for him, his mother and his older brother. Together with about 1000 other refugees from the former Yugoslavia, they started life anew on the ship. Like many families did in the early ...

我没能爱上她 3


  Through a photographic narrative, this film presents texts of Bosnian poet Marko Toma. Marko and Maja are moving flats in Sarajevo. Maja's depression turns Marko's struggle into poetry, and played on the radio, Marko’s poems become the last bridge of communication between them

灵殇 4

