"意大利语" 共找到影视: 13062 部

IlTipografo 4


  May 1978. One week after Italian main political party, the Christian democratic party president, Aldo Moro, has been found killed, the Red Brigade’s typewriter is arrested and tortured. He’s never used a gun, but he’s sentenced to 30 years in prison. Thirty years later, the court reviews the sentence and recognizes that the torture took place.
  January 1982. Following the libera...

我们都是索尔迪 7


默片时代的炼金术士 10


霍斯特·布赫霍尔茨是……我的爸爸 9


  The son and daughter of a once famous West German film star return to the empty apartment after their father's death and reminisce about his life, with interviews and clips.

法西斯 4


  From his rise to power in 1922 to the coming of WWII in 1939, Benito Mussolini 's dictatorial career is documented, with entire unedited speeches from newsreels of the time.

一个团队 2


  A Team – From 1976 to 1980, Italy was the team to beat. We talk about tennis and the trophy being fought for is the Davis Cup. The team consists of four players, four champions: Corrado Barazzutti, Paolo Bertolucci, Adriano Panatta, Tonino Zugarelli. In those five years they reached the finals four times, winning only in ’76 against Chile. The finals they reached but then lost ...

看得见的城市 8


  Three short film productions, Valmaura (An Immense Ocean), Ponziana (It’s the Same the Whole World Over), and Melara (Melarancholia) made under the artistic direction of Erika Rossi.

殡仪员之死 4


  Death of an Undertaker follows the story of Sparrow, a twentysomething who is tasked with exhuming a 20 year old corpse as part of his work in a Sydney funeral home. Filmed over 7 years and initially conceived as a documentary, the film is a blend of fact and fiction, interweaving documentary footage from years past with fictional material filmed entirely in the early weeks of ...

终点波尔图:难以想象的欧冠旅程 3


  屡获殊荣的足球记者吉列姆·巴拉格 (Guillem Balagué) 在**疫情期间穿越欧洲,见证了欧洲冠军联赛历史上最不寻常和最具挑战性的赛季之一。 空旷的体育场、旅行限制和病毒检测只是球员和球迷面临的挑战中的一小部分。尽管如此各大足球巨星依然为了到达他们的欧冠终点站葡萄牙波尔图而努力。

一千零一个莫尼卡 2


  An actress, director and writer. Intense, sensual, eclectic. She began by interpreting existential angst and emptiness, and then she moved on to the films of the golden age of Italian comedy. Talking about Monica Vitti means telling the story of the evolution of Italian cinema. She was an actress "physically" at odds with the chesty pinups of her era, and yet she managed to tra...

梵蒂冈博物馆:天堂与尘世之间 7


  Oltre 500 anni di storia, geniale ispirazione, passione per ciò che è “universalmente bello”, celebrati in un Blu-ray. Grazie al 3D, la collezione dei Papi è presentata con un realismo mai visto prima, in un’esperienza visiva unica e coinvolgente e con l’autorevole guida del Direttore dei Musei Antonio Paolucci. Le statue classiche, la Cappella Sistina, le stanze di Raffaello, ...

两个肯尼迪 6


  翻译:秦小孟 杨小石 任以青 陈叙一
  主配演员:毕克 伍经纬

乔治·希尔顿—世界属于勇者 7


  The life of one of the most famous leading-men of Italian popular cinema.

靴子里的麻将 7

