"印度尼西亚语" 共找到影视: 321 部

沉默之像 3



杀戮演绎 1


  1965年,印尼**被军**推翻,那些反对军事独裁的人都被认定为“***人”,并遭遇了血腥屠杀,一年之内,就有超过100万“***人”丧命,其中就包括农民还有一些当地的华人。本片的主角Anwar Congo和他的朋友们就参与了当年的屠杀活动,他如今是印尼最大的准军事组织Pemuda Pancasila的元老人物。Anwar和他的朋友接受导演的邀请,在镜头前重新演绎当年他们是如何处死那些“***人”的,他们通过拍摄电影的方式,重现了当年的场景,再次拿起了那些沾满鲜血的用来勒死人的铁丝。Anwar讲述了他的故事,其中就包含着他年轻时候对美国黑帮电影的喜爱,而他所属的准军事组织Pemuda Pancasila虽然是维护国家安全的力量,恰恰也被人视为印尼最大的黑帮......

男情足球迷 4


  In a city where men have to go crazy about football, Akbar has to pretend to love the game in order to prevent rejection from his new college friends.

大海在召唤我 2


  Sura lives alone in the fishing village, waiting for his father who may not return home. One day he finds a broken sex doll, and asks Argo to help him fix it. He finds a companion and a surrogate parent in the doll. But this companionship is threatened by Argo, who wants to take it away from Sura. When Argo manages to take the doll from Sura by force, Sura is forced to do the u...

荣耀红白3 9


  The third and final film in the award-winning box office hit RED AND WHITE trilogy set during the 1947-48 Indonesian revolution, as a band of guerrillas fights for Indonesia's freedom on land, sea and air against the Dutch empire.

Hukumkarma 2


  Some rich gangster creep rapes a girl. He's imbued with black magic powers by some other guy. Stuff happens leading up to the greatest endgame of all time. Kooky shit.

malapataka 8


  A collection of short movie compilation directed by Rizal Mantovani. In 9 episodes, MALAPATAKA tells the tales of the danger lurking for people who belittled the mystical beliefs in society. 由 Rizal Mantovani 执导的短片合集。在 9 集中,马拉帕塔卡讲述了那些轻视社会神秘信仰的人所面临的危险。

泥鬼 1


  脱衣舞女夏奇拉 (Dewi Persik) 遇到了詹姆斯 (罗比·辛 (Robby Shine)),后者后来成为她的情人。一天,夏奇拉偶然在情人家的地下室看到一起谋杀案。显然,这名情人和他的朋友通过出售人体器官经营着非法生意。由于她目睹了这起谋杀案,夏奇拉本人也被谋杀并被扔到拉平多的泥泞中以避免怀疑。她的心被拿去卖给一个女病人。当这颗心脏在女人体内再次跳动时,夏奇拉从泥泞中站起来寻求报复。一种可怕的恐怖开始释放自己。夏奇拉逐一追捕杀害她的凶手,让他们付出代价。

长安森迪里安 4


  4 (four) characters take turns experiencing scary events when they are alone. The terror of these spirits that spread fear, panic, and hysteria just came unexpectedly.4(四)个角色在独处时轮流经历可怕的事件。这些散布恐惧、恐慌和歇斯底里的精神的恐怖,就在不经意间降临了。

致命录像带94 9


  [致命录像带]系列将推出第四部![致命录像带]第四部定名为[致命录像带94](V/H/S 94,暂译)。首批公布的导演包括西蒙·巴雷特([致命录像带2])、提莫·塔哈亚托([嗜人之夜])、Chloe Okuno。大卫·布鲁克纳担任编剧及制片人。该片将为系列首部以单一、流畅的叙述形式呈现,且每个部分都相互关联的作品。

神圣瑞安娜:开端 4


  In her childhood, Riana lived in a small town with his father and his mother who ran a funeral house business. A disaster requires that they move to the house of uncle Johan in Jakarta and Riana meets with Riani. Doll. Riana grows up and one day is visited by Mrs. Klara, a counselor-teacher in her school who wants to know why Riana has not attended school and suggests that Rian...

巴厘岛的潜修者 10


  This extraordinary slice of macabre has its origins in Indonesia not only in that it was shot in Bali but also because the inspiration for the film is based entirely on indigenous folklore. This is a departure in itself as most horror films outside Hollywood (with a notable exception of the Japanese) are simply rehashed imitations of Western product and western ideas. Films lik...

鬼娃 10


  Anya and Daniel just moved to their new house in Bandung. Daniel brings home a doll from his workplace. Anya, who is a dollmaker, welcomes the doll happily to their house. They later learned that the doll belonged to a little girl named Uci, who died when she and her family were brutally murdered in a robbery. Strange things begin to happen, like the doll mysteriously move plac...

死者的私语 2


致命录像带2 2


  • 已完结
  • 2013  
