"克罗地亚语" 共找到影视: 180 部

What'sToBeDone 4


  eljko is the head of the union at the Gredelj railway car factory. His deputy Mladen committed ******* after the large public protests and clashes within the union. eljko is torn between the guilt he feels because of Mladen’s death and the expectation of the workers to lead a strike that should thwart the government’s plans, ordered by the EU, to send the company to bankruptc...

Legendabezpasoa 5


  An idiot for some, a genius for others. Zoran is an urban legend of a Serbian block of flats who allegedly travelled the whole world without a single ID on him. After that, he went nuts due to politics, war and MDMA. “I saw it with my own naked eye,” nodded a half-blind old man. Though a clear answer to the question who Zoran really was is not to be expected at the end of this ...

Babajanja 4


  BABAJANJA is a short essay film with horror elements. Going back to the past, the narrator tries to find the mysterious woman he was scared of as a boy. Rummaging through memories, dreams, and forgotten horror films, he attempts to determine who she is, and where she is today. He includes his family and fellow villagers in his investigation – none of whom are particularly keen ...

TvornicaFilmova 3


  An essay film about photography, told through still photographs with the passage of time registered in the aging of the photographic materials. THE FILM FACTORY is grounded in black-and-white photographs of Fotokemika, an empty, neglected factory, captured entirely using the photographic materials once produced by the factory itself. Most of the images in the film are standard ...

别处威尼斯 6


  Venice is a beauty salon in Zagreb, a huge shopping centre in Istanbul, a Romanian village with more sheep than human inhabitants, a shipping lane on the periphery of Berlin … Personal stories are told by a handful of people around the world who have never set foot in Venice but have close ties with the city. A stunning documentary that presents a different vision of Venice.

革命博物馆 8


  “The wind got up in the night and took our plans away,” reads the proverb in the opening titles of Museum of the Revolution. The words are a reference to the 1961 plan to build a grand museum in Belgrade as a tribute to Socialist Yugoslavia. It was supposed to “safeguard the truth” about the Yugoslav people. But the plan never got beyond the construction of the basement.
  The de...

工人们的工厂 9


  In Croatia in 2005, a machine tools factory was occupied by its workers. Since then, they have operated collectively, becoming the only successful example of a worker occupation in post-socialist Europe. Today, as they seek a new model of collective ownership, the microcosmic world of the factory clashes with the forces of the globalized market economy, having an increasingly b...

归乡:玛莉娜与她的孩子 1


  “行为艺术教母”玛莉娜(Marina Abramovi)离乡南斯拉夫贝尔格勒40年,在世界各大城市表演都吸引百万人次观赏,都愿意排队等上数个小时,只为换来一对一的凝视关系。此次回乡苦乐参半,十年来聚集一群年轻艺术家,跟着她一起表演,英雄崇拜和渴望伴随着经验,继承她的灵魂与志业。

石头演讲者 4


  20世纪90年代波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那内战结束后,经济体制转向资本主义。然而直到今天,经济还没有真正起飞。因此,资源丰富的社区将自己重新命名为独特的旅游目的地,以促进经济增长。梅德朱戈里是一个国际朝圣圣地,据报道,孩子们在那里看到了圣母玛利亚。维塞格·安德烈(Visegrád)向作家伊沃·安德烈(Ivo Andri)致以敬意,他在附近新建了一片石碑建筑。当图兹拉贫瘠的盐矿停止产生收入时,当局把这些盆地变成了湖泊。据报道,在维索科,一座山丘隐藏着据说可以产生宇宙能量场的金字塔。Igor Drljaa用一台观测照相机显示了这些地方,用当地人的陈述将图像编辑在一起。他轻描淡写地评价了一个仍被过去所掩盖的社会。Kameni Govornici揭示了波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那作为一个仍在分裂中的国家的多民族身份危机-其居民试图获得立足点,不是通过事实,而是通过宗教...

男人游戏 1


  Everybody knows that playing is a serious matter. Director Matja Ivaniin is confident about that, and he has chosen to take us to a strictly male world. We get to see men striking punching balls at a funfair, clinching each other roughly until the shoulders of their opponents touch the ground, trying to excel at throwing heavy rounds of cheese through the narrow streets of vi...

占领的第27个画面 10


  We encounter the controversial Croatian film director Lordan Zafranovic in voluntary exile in Prague. The film follows his rise from a talented outsider to the celebrated Yugoslav director of the acclaimed war film, 'An Occupation in 26 Pictures'. His life story is an unconventional depiction of a rise and fall that reveals compromises made in order to survive artistically duri...

爱之黑帮 1


  跟随25年前辞去木匠工作的Nedjeljko,看他如何做一个婚介狂人以及各种奇葩的相亲案例。Matchmaker Nediljko Babic, also known as "Gangster", helps a Bulgarian single mother find a new husband in Croatia. But a series of comically disastrous dates discloses the true nature of conservative Croatian men: they would rather die alone than marry a foreigner with a child.

Niskatrava 8


  An early summer evening begins with a game: while one kid counts to three thousand, the others hide in a row of suburban gardens. During that time, a young father spends the rest of his day with someone else’s child, an old man awaits a call that will change his life and the future of a year-long friendship becomes uncertain. The game ends when mosquitos start rising from the g...

Dohvatitisunce:ElShatt 1


  The film touches on some historical facts about the largest refugee camp El Shatt in the Sinai desert in Egypt during the WWII, based on materials from Croatian and international archives and interwined with the visuals of this desert non-place now. An attempt to reconstruct a fragmented memory of unknown history about migration in the Mediterranean as a transtemporal filmic jo...