"保加利亚语" 共找到影视: 290 部

Това,KоетоOстава 8


  What Stays After tells the coming-of-age story of a boy during tragic events that tear his family apart. The characters in the movie face the pain of losing a loved one, discover truths they are not ready for, make choices that will change their lives, and feel guilt that eats them away.

ГосподинНикой 10


Brazilskamelodiya 10


Последнижелания 6


  An absurd comedy which exposes the folly of war.

Капия 4


  Lilly steals the keys of her new teacher and in an act of revenge trashes his home. She is surprised by his blind and ill-tempered mother and Lilly lies that she is in fact his fiancée. This makes the mother very happy and eventually, Lilly finds herself bound to visit her regularly.

天雷滚滚 1


  The father of three grown sons has remarried and his sons all have their own separate lives. When their father announces he is leaving for America they move into his house in an attempt to forge new links of intimacy with one another. However, with the appearance of Maria, their illusions of America are shattered. They discover that their father has not in fact emigrated but is...

Рибенакост 2


  Ivo, manager of a campsite on the shores of the Black Sea, refuses to bury the corpse of yet another dolphin rejected by the sea, because it has holes this time, as if it had been hit by bullets. All the vacationers and inhabitants of the surrounding area are involved in one way or another in an unprecedented war that is breaking out with the police, local and environmental ins...

BetterNature 6


  An unhappy, antisocial employee is forced to practice love and gratitude during a corporate volunteering day. But it's through an act of cruelty that she's able to connect to another human being and experience a moment of true compassion.

Христо 6


  Hristo is a homeless boy. He would do anything to get a normal living. But still there's something he wouldn't do. The price of 'normal' life, for him is too high.

印第安游戏 4


法官与森林 10


  Before going on leave an experienced magistrate assigns to his assistant a case that has been all but concluded. Everything has been proved. The facts are clear: a brutal murder has been committed. The suspect is a young, beautiful girl, who does not deny or remorse the murder. The only thing that remains to be done is to refer the case to the public prosecutor's office. The ca...

Орисия 10


  This is a film about old fashioned Bulgarian customs and moral rules. A pre-arranged marriage of two children is no obstacle to true love.

Приникого 9


  The central character is emerging from his childhood and standing on the threshold of maturity. At 13 he is asked to make his first important choice: with which one of his parents (who are about to divorce) he wants to live. The answer is, 'With no one!' The film traces the life of the character which has led to this decision. Written by Georgi Djulgerov <major1@mbox.contact.bg...

Роялът 1


Черешоваградина 5


  There are essentially two types of people: those who think with their stomachs, and those who think with their hearts. Conflict between them is inevitable, says the writer Nikolai Haitov. The central character in Cherry Orchard - Dinyo, a secretary of the local communist party organization, and Sava, the assistant manager of the local cooperative farm - also fall into these two...