"English" 共找到影视: 1139 部

沙普的复仇 2


  Toulouse - April 1814
  In the French camp, Ducos watches as Napoleon's fortune is loaded on a cart. If Toulouse falls, the treasure will be removed before the British, or the Bourbons, can steal it. Sharpe writes a note giving Jane power of attorney over his money. She makes him promise this will be his last battle and that he will then return to England with her.
  On the batt...

沙普的剑 5


  Franco-Spanish Border, 1813
  A carriage travelling through the countryside is ambushed by the French. Only a young nun escapes with her life, struck dumb with shock. Later, the same French company is attacked by the British. The French colonel shoots his captain and disguises himself in the captain's coat, claiming he is Capt. Dumas. Sharpe is suspicious, the man claims to t...

美国青年梦 2


律师奶爸 5


  Kevin Hill was a swinging bachelor and top notch lawyer, but after his cousin died he was left with his cousin's ten month old daughter, Sarah. Now Kevin must deal with being a new parent and a lawyer at a new smaller firm.

孽世缘 6


BeyondtheRye 5


  Bored with his simple life in Norway, Espen comes to California as a foreign exchange student seeking a deeper purpose in life. At his new high school, he joins the tennis team and quickly wins new friends, but finds himself making compromising choices in order to fit in. After his girlfriend cheats on him at a New Year's party, Espen considers an early return to Norway. He see...

DragonTales 5


红色贝蕾帽 8


  Focussing on tough-talking Jo McDonagh, crime drama Red Cap provides a gritty insight into the Army's elite Special Investigation Branch (SIB).

G.P. 4


  澳洲颇受欢迎的一个剧集。Cate blanchett曾在其中演过小角。

ToBetheBest 7


  Barbara Taylor Bradford的三部曲是以一个现实中的女子的口吻来叙述这个故事的。Paula O' Neill与她的表亲不和。

麦当娜蒙尘 10


  当娜出生美国平民区,除了音乐,她一身所有都被别人讨尽便宜.直至她一曲"象一位圣女"(Like a Virgin),以欲火般表演洗脱她一身怨气.

八卦先锋 3


  本片是根据1950年代的八卦专栏作家兼电台节目主持人华特温契尔(史丹利图奇,「仲夏夜之梦」)的生平所改编的传记电影。在八卦周刊问世之前,大众若想 知道些名人轶事,只能经由报纸上的专栏得知,所以报纸专栏作家在当时的社会,可说具有相当的影响力和权威,温契尔便是其中一位备受争议的代表性人物。他的 写作风格在当时近乎异端,而其私生活比起他笔下的好莱坞明星亦不遑多让。温契尔抛下自己的家不顾,却在旅馆跟一个梦想成为大明星的妓女同居。20至50年 代中期是温契尔最活跃的时期,他在当时的社会上有着无与伦比的影响力,只要他的一句话,就能使人成名…或毁人名声。他所主持的节目是全美收视或收听率最高 的,因而他有"八卦专栏之父"的封号,他留下许多至今仍脍炙人口的名言,譬如『今日的八卦是明日的头条新闻』、『八卦就是…一方面什么都没说,却又什么都 说尽了的一门艺术』。饰演温契尔...

橄榄球少年 5


  Story of Bear Bryant's first summer as head football coach at Texas A&M. Bear takes his charges out onto the scorched plains and sees who survives

巡警高速路 8


  "CHiPS," which stood for California Highway Patrol, followed the daily beats of two state motorcycle patrolmen as they patrolled the freeway system in and around Los Angeles. Officer Jon Baker was the straight, serious officer while Frank "Ponch" Poncherello was the more free- wheeling member of the duo; both reported to Sgt. Joe Getraer, who gave out assignments and advice in ...

鸭人 4


  Duckman isn't your average suave, sophisticated private eye. In fact, he's rude, ignorant, slovenly, and hasn't had a date in years. With the help of his infinitely more capable sidekick, Cornfed, Duckman manages to solve enough cases to cover his alimony payments and cable TV bills. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher {rocher@fiberbit.net}
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