"Basque" 共找到影视: 22 部

Cefalopodo 3


Amonaputz! 5


  Sometimes, couples who have children miss Grandma.

V.O.S. 9


progression 3


  All over the world, dedicated climbers are working hard every day, testing the limits of their bodies and minds with the single goal of moving climbing forward. The moments of glory are few and far between. It's the struggle and sacrifice behind the breakthroughs that tell the true story of the advancement of the sport in all its forms. Featuring Chris Sharma, Tommy Caldwell, D...

LaNiadeMaracaibo 4


  A detective, goes from Spain to the Venezuelan Guajira, hired by the king of Wuayuus, to protect her, Ni7a de Maracaibo (wife of King, who belongs to an aristocratic family in the city) the detective tries to discover a conspiracy greater than initially imagined. Where he is only one piece in a plot which mixes smuggling, power struggles and tribal magic. The clash of two oppos...

我们都是客人 4


  影片反映了西班牙的巴斯克地区冲突问题。主人公Josu Jon是一位激进的突击队员,一次与警察对峙中他受伤了。子弹击穿了他的肺部,却没有要他的命。当他醒来时发现自己被身处一家监狱医院,而对过去的记忆已经全部丧失。Francesca是前来调查这一事件的意大利女学生,渐渐对Josu Jon过分关心起来。她也不清楚Josu Jon是否应该记起过去,或者他自己想忆起多少……

Zigortzaileak 2


  Un grupo de nios de diez aos, cansados de las agresiones de algunos de sus compaeros de clase y de la desidia de los adultos, deciden formar un grupo de superhéroes llamado "Los Castigadores". Serán "el azote" de los gamberros y acabarán con el bullying del colegio.