"Stephen McHattie" 共找到影视: 15 部

艾米丽的新月 7


  • 已更新至46集
  • 1998  

  Set in Prince Edward Island at the turn of the century, "Emily of New Moon" follows Emily Starr, an imaginative young girl who aspires to be a famous writer. When her beloved father dies, her happy life is turned upside down. Her deceased mother's relatives draw lots to determine who would have the burden of taking Emily into their home. It is decided that Emily would live at N...

魔鬼圣婴续集 4


  Having been adopted by the madam of a southwestern brothel, a now adult Adrian must cope with the fact that he's Satan's kid, and not living up to his expectations.

百老汇的最后一夜 4


  This film, which incorporates the plots of four Damon Runyon stories, takes place in and around a grand New Year's Eve party in 1928. The guests, many of whose lives intertwine during the evening, include Harriet (Julie Hagerty), the rich society doll throwing the bash; the aptly named Feet Samuels (Randy Quaid), who is about to sell those body parts to a doctor; and Hortense (...

十月秘社 9


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2020  


食人鸟 4



臆想魔友 10


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  A family find themselves terrorized by their eight-year-old son's imaginary friend.

目标一 3


  • 已完结
  • 2020  

  故事讲述前***瘾君子丹尼尔·莱格参与了一项毒品交易,以错误的理由为错误的人提供帮助。 当交易失败时,丹尼尔被扔进泰国监狱,并被判处100年徒刑。 当他试图在曼谷被监禁时幸存下来时,他被定罪的消息引起了环球邮报记者维克托·马拉雷克的注意,他决定追捕负责对丹尼尔进行错误指控的阴暗卧底警察。

地狱之口 10



司机医生 7


  An unemployed doctor turned cab driver becomes a local hero when he converts his taxi into a mobile clinic. Dr. CABBIE is the heart warming journey of a young Indian Doctor who immigrates to Canada with the selfless ambition of healing others while beginning a new life in the land of opportunity. Dr. CABBIE discovers his true purpose and true love when he embarks upon this jour...

斯巴达300勇士 5


  • 已完结
  • 2006  

  这部电影描述了人类史上最残酷的战争之一:温泉关之战。公元前480年,波斯国王薛西斯一世(罗德里格桑托罗 Rodrigo Santoro 饰)亲率30万大军征战希腊。希腊各个城邦迅速派出军队结成了联军,准备抵御波斯军队的入侵。
  防线的最前线设在希腊的温泉关,此处由斯巴达 城的国王列奥尼达(杰拉德巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)率领本城300精兵和联军4000余人镇守。由于叛徒的出卖,希腊军队被波斯军队抄到了身后形成围剿之势。列奥尼达为了保存联军实力,让联军首先撤退,自己率领300精兵死守温泉关断后。

逃离人类 7


  A young man's struggle to survive in the aftermath of a deadly undead outbreak during the American Civil War.

伯利兹城 7


杰西警探犯罪档案:无悔追踪 7


  罗勃.派克(Robert B. Parker)的作品改编, 杰西警探犯罪档案系列故事第六集. 《杰西警探》系列一直注重於侦探类剧集最基本的破案手法。知名男星汤姆谢立克在剧中扮演的主角杰西警探, 过去是纽约市的一名警察,但因为酗酒而被下放到麻州的天堂镇担任警长, 不过, 在天堂镇的日子永远不像这个镇的名字一样如天堂般宁静。

我的朋友乔 5


  13岁的克里斯(乔尔·格雷 Joel Grey 饰)是一个非常腼腆的男孩,在学校里没有什么朋友,也没有团体愿意接纳个性软弱毫无特点的他。一天,学校里新来了一位名叫乔(斯科勒·费斯科 Schuyler Fisk 饰)的转校生,乔凭借着了得的身手,很快就获得了同学们的认可。在乔的帮助下,克里斯也顺利的加入了兄弟帮。

守望者:面罩之下 1


  mock documentary on the formation and eventual dissolution
  of the Minutemen, the original group of superheroes from 1940 who preceded the Watchmen.
  Stars from the Watchmen movie team in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful first-hand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence. Two fan-essential stories. One place to watch the e...