"Richie Carr" 共找到影视: 3 部

凯特·亨布尔的英伦海滨第二季 10


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2022  

  《暢遊海濱不列顛》(Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain)第二季讓觀眾追隨主持人凱特漢布爾(Kate Humble)腳步,走訪英國沿岸八個美麗且深具歷史價值的沿海風景,包括蘇格蘭的東西岸、北威爾斯兩條迥異而迷人的海岸線、肯特郡和薩塞克斯郡標誌性的沿岸、諾森伯蘭郡的秘境角落,以及懷特島西南端美麗的冬日路徑,並拜訪當地工作及居住的人們,發掘這些迷人海濱的歷史、地理與自然故事。
  Production companies: Curve Media, Channel 5 Television

TheAirport:BackintheSkiesSeason1 8


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2022  

  Get ready for takeoff. Docusoap star Jeremy Spake is back at Heathrow during the strangest and most challenging time in its history. Just what does it take to keep Britain flying

考驾照的那些事儿第一季 7


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2020  

  Big changes have been made to the driving test with new manoeuvres, written tests and new technology being introduced. Filmed over a 2-year period we follow candidates taking the test with cameras fitted inside and outside of the test car.