"Pepe Soriano" 共找到影视: 6 部

暗夜浮魅2:大象坟场 6


  A woman narrates the final night on earth of a 100-year old man, whom fights for redemption from his life's misdeeds.

Otraesperanza 4


你将在阴影中 8


  A computer programmer who, after his train breaks down, takes to wandering aimlessly through remote regions of La Pampa, Viedma and Carhue. he meets a succession of equally lost souls, including a globe-trotting gambler, a circus owner whose performers left him "because the whole country was a circus: and a tarot card reader with large gaps in her knowledge of the future.

暗夜浮魅 4



Losgauchosjudíos 6


  The film recreates the arrival of a group of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Czarist Russia, establishing the first Hebrew colonies in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.

Pecados 6


  In a village, two teenagers fall in love with each other. The villagers are against this connection for reasons yet to be uncovered.