"Osvaldo Soriano" 共找到影视: 4 部

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  A computer programmer who, after his train breaks down, takes to wandering aimlessly through remote regions of La Pampa, Viedma and Carhue. he meets a succession of equally lost souls, including a globe-trotting gambler, a circus owner whose performers left him "because the whole country was a circus: and a tarot card reader with large gaps in her knowledge of the future.

DasAutogramm 6


世界上耗时最长的点球 3



Cuartelesdeinvierno 10


  奥斯瓦尔多·索里亚诺(Osvaldo Soriano),1943年出生在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯,1997年病逝。他一生从事新闻工作,1973年开始利用业余时间从事文学创作。第一部长篇小说题为《悲伤、孤独和最后的人》,取材于美国滑稽电影和侦探小说的人物故事。
  A tango singer has been invited to a remote city for a celebration. He finds himself in a repressive almost paranoid world immediately after getting off the train when he is stopped by military police who submit him to quick, brusque inquiry and sear...