"Mario Handler" 共找到影视: 6 部

LíberArce,liberarse 8


  In this short piece of agitprop, Handler commemorates the death of a young student militant who was celebrated in the aftermath of the 1968 demonstrations in Montevideo as the first to die for the revolutionary struggle.

Columnasquebradas 1


Aparte 3


Mestizo 4


我喜欢学生们 10


  Mario Handler是乌拉圭著名纪录片导演,蒙特维地亚独立纪录片运动的领导人物,“第三世界电影院线”(Third World Cinemateque)的创始人。他的作品多次获得国际纪录片奖项,包括著名的伊文思奖。
  本片记录的是68年发生在乌拉圭Punta del Este的激进学生抗议运动。
  During the Chiefs of State conference at Punta del Este students protest. Counterpoint between presidents, students and repressive policemen.

DecileaMarioQueNoVuelva 3


  In one of the last scenes, Uruguayan director Mario Handler explains why he visited former comrades, victims, prisoners and an executioner of the dictatorial regime (1973-1986) in his motherland and registered their stories in Tell Mario Not to Come Back. Handler finds he owes it "to all those who have suffered, while I did not do anything against the dictatorship or stand up f...