"John Gielgud" 共找到影视: 10 部

SixCenturiesofVerse 2


  • 已更新至16集
  • 1984  

  Sir John Gielgud is joined by an outstanding repertory of actors – including Dame Peggy Ashcroft, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Lee Remick, Ian Richardson and Julian Glover – in this pioneering, imaginative series demonstrating the immense variety and emotional impact of English-language poetry, from the fourteenth century to the contemporary era.
  Screened in 1984 and compiled by writer...

异国情天 3


  • 已更新至3集
  • 1984  

怀念费雯·丽:永远的斯佳丽 8


  She created one of the most indelible images ever brought to the big screen as the wily Southern survivor Scarlett O'Hara. Vivien Leigh's rise to fame and subsequent faltered steps are detailed in Hollywood Remembers: Vivien Leigh -- Scarlett and Beyond. Leigh began her career with the role that earned her an Academy award. Competing with such names as Bette Davis and Tallulah ...

EagleinaCage 3


  War and women were his passions... and no island fortress could cage his lust for power!
  1815. A soldier becomes the governor of St. Helena and jailer of Napoleon. High brow.

RichardBurton:InfromtheCold 9


战争与回忆 1


  • 已更新至12集
  • 1988  


悲剧的结尾 3


  A short. A stage director and his female assistant find the blackest protagonist possible, then make him up as white as possible, to create the titular character.

理查二世 10


  The incompetent Richard II is deposed by Henry Bolingbroke and undergoes a crisis of identity once he is no longer king.

罗米欧与朱丽叶 8


  在一场盛大的舞会上,罗密欧(帕特里克·赖卡特 Patrick Ryecart 饰)和朱丽叶(丽贝卡·赛尔 Rebecca Saire 饰)相遇了。然而,两人所在的家族相互有着深仇大恨,所以情投意合的两人根本就没有可能走到一起。
  入夜,罗密欧潜入朱丽叶家的后花园向其倾诉爱意,心意相通的两人难舍难分,决定瞒着家族偷偷完婚。朱丽叶的表兄泰华(艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)得知此事十分愤怒,他向罗密欧发出了决斗的挑衅。莫丘托(安东尼·安德鲁斯 Anthony Andrews 饰)是罗密欧的挚友,为了帮助罗密欧,他企图杀死泰华却反而丢掉了性命,罗密欧在悲愤之中杀死了泰华为好友报仇并因此被驱逐出境。在神父的建议下,朱丽叶服下了使人假死的毒药,想要出逃与爱人私奔,然而罗密欧对这一切却并不知情。