"Hermila Guedes" 共找到影视: 4 部

纽约 3


  On the eve of his departure for a new life, Aron's estranged sister, Gabi, shows up at his doorstep. Faced once more with the family tensions he sought to escape, Aron struggles to make up his mind.

特遣部队 10


  • 正片

  Centers on day-to-day operations of the law enforcement agency that investigates crimes committed by the police itself. The task force will lose one of its members while pursuing a death squad, while team leader Lieutenant Wilson's relationship with his fiancée Jackie, a nurse who dreams of settling down and raising a family, will gain an added twist and drama...

天空中的苏丽 2


  21岁的女子赫米拉(Hermila Guedes 饰)曾自认是世界上最幸福的女人,温柔的丈夫和可爱的儿子构成她生命的全部。但完美的事物从来不存于世。丈夫的失踪让赫米拉的世界崩塌,也直接断掉了这对母子的经济来源。化名苏丽的她不愿轻率地成为妓女,而是以抽取彩票的方式赚取生活费。当然,作为彩票的回报,有幸中得大奖的男人将得到“天堂一夜”的奖励。男人们趋之若鹜,女人们唾弃诅咒。为了家庭和孩子,苏丽愿意牺牲一切……
  本片荣获2006年捷克伯拉第斯拉瓦国际电影节最佳女主角奖(Hermila Guedes);2006年哈瓦那电影节最佳女主角奖和金奖;2006年里约热内卢国际电影节最佳女主角奖、最佳导演奖和最佳影片奖。

博卡 8


  Adapted from his autobiography, the film recounts the story of Hiroito, The King of Boca do Lixo (a region in downtown So Paulo of the fifties where various nightclubs, strip joints, prostitution, bars, and drugs can be found). Hiroito was a well born bohemian and at the age of 21 was accused for the murder of his father, who was violently stabbed over 40 times with a razor. H...