"Gavin Millar" 共找到影视: 13 部

PatandMargaret 6


  Unexpected events occur over a long weekend when Pat, a glamorous British born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her autobiography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain, fat and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both sisters highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful me...

TheWeatherintheStreets 5


  Passion comes calling when a man suffering through an unhappy marriage in 1920s England runs into first love.

Belleépoque 2


家庭主妇49 9


  当英国于1939年对德国宣战后不久,Lancashire的家庭主妇Nella开始写日记。49岁的她,担心儿子征募从军后,她要和跋扈的丈夫单独生活。这部获奖戏剧不仅详述她战时的穷困经验,而且披露她的独立意识。在粮食配给和敌机空袭的困境下,Nella 志愿参于战争工作,她觉得很有意义而高兴。

风雨石屋 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 1994  

  父母去世之后,留下了5个孩子交由长女茜茜(露西·科乎 Lucy Cohu 饰)抚养,贫穷至极的她无奈之下只得带着弟弟妹妹们住进了位于荒原上的石洞里。木匠马修(雷·史蒂文森 Ray Stevenson 饰)非常同情茜茜的遭遇,在她困难的时候为茜茜提供了很多的帮助,渐渐的,两人走到了一起。
  贵族少爷克莱夫(Edward Rawle-Hicks 饰)也十分喜欢茜茜,一天,在喝了点酒后,克莱夫受人唆使,强暴了茜茜,并且令她怀上了自己的孩子。之后,茜茜生下了一个男孩,克莱夫的父亲闻讯将孩子夺走了。而马修也因为此事,忍痛与磨坊主的女儿结了婚。一晃眼多年过去,克莱夫发现茜茜常躲在树丛里远远观望自己的儿子,在愧疚的趋势之下,他决定帮助茜茜要回孩子。

优质杀手 7


  Taken from the book by John le Carre, George Smiley rallies to the aid of his former intelligence colleague, Ailsa Brimley, to investigate a mysterious letter from a junion master's wife at Carne School - a boy's school. When Smiley goes to Carne to investigate, he finds the junior master's wife brutually murdered with her husband as one of the suspects. Smiley begins to scratc...

收拾残局 8


  A man, whose companion dies of AIDS, confronts his lover's ex-wife and the two end up building a friendship while coping with the emotional aftermath of the death.

LookatItThisWay 8


EllaandtheMothers 2


  Gina is the trophy wife to the charismatic George. Gina and Madeleine find themselves in the same clinic for IVF treatment. Six years on they discover a tragic mistake that threatens to destroy all their lives, and the two women find themselves locked in a heart-rending battle over five-year-old Ella.

梦童 2



黑吃黑 7


  报纸编辑托比·麦科马克爵士被从楼上的一个窗口扔出,身体被下面街上的栏杆刺穿。这是我们看到的一系列谋杀的第一个。杀手从没见过。卡梅伦·烤莱,用速度和香烟让自己的身体保持高速运转,来讲这个故事。他变得越来越积极的参与,并最终减少一切调查,导致美联储从一个神秘的摩尔那调察他。这个人叫“Mr Archer”,他派他在苏格兰全境无论白天还是黑夜,跟踪一系列表面上的自杀,而是在表面上进行掩盖。一系列骇人听闻的袭击在继续。卡梅伦更深地卷入了各个事件中,警察要求他协助调查。他们指着较早的报纸文章,写着表明需要有一个“激进的均衡者”以报复社会的邪恶方面。他的名单与受害者的名单一样。卡梅伦发现自己是头号怀疑者。现在,他不得不找到凶手来还他的清白。

新灰姑娘 7


  A look at the classic "Cinderella" story from the perspective of one of her 'ugly' stepsisters, based on the novel by Gregory Maguire.