"Don Wildman" 共找到影视: 10 部

博物馆解密第十八季 10


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2018  

  美国博物馆里珍藏的那些非同寻常、稀奇古怪的珍宝代表了历史上奇妙的篇章,但实物展示只能讲述它们故事的一部分。在每件文物的背后是令人惊叹的故事和有待揭示的秘密,故事有时充满了丑闻、奥秘、谋杀和阴谋。在《博物馆解密》节目中,主持人唐·怀尔德曼(Don Wildman)参观了美国各地的各种博物馆,通过重新审视被遗留下来的东西,带领观众们踏上一段有时令人震惊的美国历史之旅。采访、档案录像和重演,让这些文物的永恒谜团变得栩栩如生,其中一些内容以前从未在电视上讲述过。 咪咕视频
  01. 世贸遗址,宇宙飞行服,解码专家
  02. 黑白连手,库克船长,棒球王后
  03. 恐龙化石,黄金唱片,胡佛球
  04. 杰弗逊美酒,太空飞行员,对抗纳粹
  05. 阿拉斯加公路,碧翠丝波特,埃及艳后尖塔
  06. 阿拉斯加旗帜,牛津字典,芝加哥崛起
  13. 九命怪猫,太空任务与汽车电...

博物馆解密第十六季 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

  Don Wildman unearths relics from the world's greatest institutions to reveal secrets from the past. He examines each artifact to illuminate history's most incredible triumphs, sensational crimes and bizarre encounters.
  S16 E1 - Alone in the Arctic and More
  S16 E2 - Transatlantic Zeppelin
  S16 E3 - Miss Unsinkable and More
  S16 E4 - Project Vortex and More
  S16 E5 - Mystery of Sile...

博物馆解密第十七季 9


  • 已更新至14集
  • 2017  

  Don Wildman从世界上最伟大的机构中挖掘文物来揭示过去的秘密。他检查每一件艺术品,以阐明历史上最不可思议的胜利,耸人听闻的罪行和奇异的遭遇。
  S17 E1 - Undercover Informant and More
  S17 E2 - Coast Guard Courage and More
  S17 E3 - Radar Dog and More
  S17 E4 - Hitler Diaries and More
  S17 E5 - Dorothy of Dakota and More
  S17 E6 - How to Sell the Eiffel Tower
  S17 E7 - Fleeing Fidel and More
  S17 E8 - Jackie O. Saves Grand Central
  S17 E9 - Race to the A...

博物馆解密第十二季 9


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

  Don Wildman unearths relics from the world's greatest institutions to reveal secrets from the past. He examines each artifact to illuminate history's most incredible triumphs, sensational crimes and bizarre encounters.
  S12 E1 - Fish Rain and More
  S12 E2 - Limbo for Love and More
  S12 E3 - Blowing Up the House and More
  S12 E4-Lancelot the Unicorn and More
  S12 E5 - Buried Alive

博物馆解密第四季 1


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2012  

  Don Wildman examines a lantern that guided a teenage girl on a quest to save lives, a homemade barrel used in a stunt, and a small metal fragment salvaged from a near catastrophic disaster.

博物馆解密:惡魔島 10
魅力大都会 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2015  

  New York, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, London, New Orleans - six of the world’s top destination cities. Each conjures up iconic images, emotions, flavors, characters - unique experiences.
  Stunning CGI and stylized recreation bring defining moments and history to life. Exploring the perseverance, ambition, Ingenuity when each city overcame the challenges of its environment. Uncov...

庞贝:死而复生 9


  This documentary uncovers long-buried secrets of the Italian city of Pompeii, which was preserved by volcanic pumice and ash 2,000 years ago. Modern genetic technology is used to explore the lives of citizens who sought shelter in a cellar.

边缘禁地第一季 3


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2011  

  它们大门紧闭 躲在铁丝围墙之内
  跟随Don Wildman
  去探索人们口中的 边缘禁地

神秘地下城 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2007  

  sonychen reviews