"David Holt" 共找到影视: 7 部

小孩怒了第一季 5


  • 已更新至25集
  • 1999  

  Angry Kid is a hilarious YouTube show about an annoying young boy wading his way through childhood, dealing with problems like Tourette's, shaving, hammer roulette, puberty, telepathy and dogs stealing his chips.

汉密尔顿马垂斯 4


  Sludger the aardvark tries to make it big as a drummer in the big city

Краснаякоролева 7


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2015  

  Story of the rise of a girl from proverbial humble beginnings to top Russian fashion model during Cold War-era USSR.

山上的女孩 10


  When a reclusive backwoodsman finds a mute little girl wandering alone in the forest, he must protect her from the evil forces determined to end her life.

小孩怒了 8


  From the Angry Kid series comes 'Bone', one of the funniest short movie from the series. In this one the kid is riding his bicycle and falls. A bone is sticking out of his arm and a dog tries toget it.
  This short is hilarious from start to finish. Definitely not a wasted minute of my life.

阿喀琉斯 6


  阿喀琉斯是古希腊最有名的勇士,传说他母亲为了使儿子健壮永生便把刚出生的他放在火中锻炼,又捏着他的脚脖子把他倒浸在冥河圣水里浸泡。因此阿喀琉斯拥有超人的体魄和刀枪不入的肉身,只有脚踵部位因为被母亲捏住而没有沾到冥河圣水,从而成为他全身唯一的弱点。在特洛伊战争中阿喀琉斯所向披靡,杀死了特洛伊主将、著名英雄赫克托(Hector),而特洛伊的任何武器都无法伤害他。后来,太阳神阿波罗把阿喀琉斯的弱点告诉了特洛伊王子帕里斯,阿喀琉斯最终被帕里斯用暗箭射中脚踵而死。"阿喀琉斯之踵"(The Heel of Achilles)便成为整个欧洲广泛流行的国际性成语,其意为无论再强大、再完美的人或事都会存在致命的缺陷。