"Daniel de Oliveira" 共找到影视: 8 部

我心为卿 9


  • 正片

  Quando Yolanda Penteado e Martim Pais se conhecem, no início da década de 1920, ela é uma princesinha do café e ele, filho de uma família tradicional empobrecida. Martim Paes de Almeida é um jovem estudante de medicina que simpatiza com o movimento anarquista. Sua atividade política, totalmente clandestina, acaba lhe rendendo problemas. Quando ele e Yolanda se apaixonam, Guioma...

血的洗礼 5


  获奖:2008年巴西电影大奖提名最佳剧本 最佳化妆
  2006年巴西利亚电影节最佳导演 最佳摄影奖
  介绍:在1964至1985年期间,巴西经历军**的独裁统治。在60年代,多米尼加修道士Tito、Betto、Fernando和Ivo帮助左翼组织,但他们被卑劣的军**组织首领逮捕并遭受拷打。军**的主要目标是要抓住他们的首领Carlos Marighella。Tito和Fernando承受不住严厉的折磨,进而屈服和做出背叛的行为,最后,Marighella遭遇埋伏而后被处决。1973年,流放在法国的Tito无法战胜自己的创伤和沮丧,选择自杀。

AmorteamoSeason1 3


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2015  

  A bride left at the altar decides to kill herself and ends up summoning a terrible curse. To have her true love back she returns from the world of the dead bringing other inhabitants who had passed away. What nobody knows is that their real intention is to solve past differences. Are the living ready to settle the score

47号公路 5


  The unusual meeting between three deserters from different nationalities (Brazil, German and Italy) during World War II.

情欲河流 4


  Three brothers end up in a mysterious yet mundane lost city by a river, far from civilization. Due to circumstances of life, they live under the same roof. The joy of living together makes the middle brother Dalberto bring his sensual new wife, Anaira, to also live in the same house. She’s happy to be able to work on her husband’s new river boat. But in order to save the busine...

爱德华多的孤儿 9


博卡 8


  Adapted from his autobiography, the film recounts the story of Hiroito, The King of Boca do Lixo (a region in downtown So Paulo of the fifties where various nightclubs, strip joints, prostitution, bars, and drugs can be found). Hiroito was a well born bohemian and at the age of 21 was accused for the murder of his father, who was violently stabbed over 40 times with a razor. H...

时间永不停止 2


  Cazuza:1958年4月4日- 1990年7月7日,他被认为是巴西史上最伟大的歌手和诗人,他的父亲是唱片制作人,母亲是个业余歌手,他的童年受到了很多音乐的熏陶。他是公开的双性恋。
  1980年Cazuza进入了Bar o Vermelho乐队,他们是80年代巴西最著名的乐队之一。1985年他感染艾滋,并离开了乐队,离开乐队后他的音乐更加多元化,摇滚掺杂了拉丁蓝调。1989年他首次承认自己患艾滋,次年去世。
  整部影片围绕Cazuza从成名之初到去世的生活,他的歌,他的感情生活,这部电影有点像Velvet Goldmine,关于摇滚,关于爱