"鲍里斯·约翰逊" 共找到影视: 14 部

雾霾之战——欧美空气治理透视 10


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2017  


客从何处来第五季 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2008  

  Johnson, not really sure of his heritage delves into the history books to find he has a half french grandmother as well as roots that date back to Turkey where his great-grandfather was involved in politics.

BorisvDave:TheBattleforEurope 8


  Ahead of the E.U. Referendum, Michael Crick examines the public duel between David Cameron and Boris Johnson that could define Britain's future in Europe and the leadership of the Conservative Party.

为什么我们投出脱欧选票 1



鲍里斯·约翰逊:不可抗拒的崛起 7


  Boris Johnson is the biggest star in British politics. Nobody connects to the public like Boris, some even see him as a future Prime Minister.
  So what really makes him tick and is he a serious contender for the top job
  With unprecedented access to Johnson himself, candid interviews and previously unseen archive, Michael Cockerell unlocks the secrets of the real Boris Johnson.

罗马之后:圣战与征服 5


  Part 1:
  In the first episode of this two-part series, Boris Johnson travels to France, Spain, Egypt, Israel, Syria and Turkey to investigate the early beginnings of what some people now call 'the clash of civilisations.' This is the idea that the two historically opposed religious cultures of Christianity and Islam are locked into a never-ending cycle of mutual antipathy, distr...

大胖考2011 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2011  

  The 2010 show was recorded on 13 December and aired on 3 January 2011.
  The teams were:
  Wagner: Jonathan Ross and Ruth Jones
  Posh & Specs: Michael McIntyre and Alan Carr
  The Electric Moccasins: Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding
  Guest questions were provided by Nicole Scherzinger, Jack Black, Simon Pegg, Russell Brand, Seth Rogen, the cast of Misfits and Will Ferrell. The children...

鲍里斯·约翰逊 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2012  

欧盟公投:ITV 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2016  

  ITV News presenter Julie Etchingham hosts two live broadcasts of public debates ahead of the UK referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union.

鲍里斯·约翰逊与罗马之梦 1


  Boris Johnson tries to discover how the ancient Romans managed to run a united empire, and why the European Union seems to find the same task so difficult.

发明鲍里斯·约翰逊 7


  This documentary sifts through Boris Johnson's archive interviews and newspaper columns to build a compelling picture of the man and his track record, largely in his own words.

ITV脱欧公投辩论 5


  Two weeks before the EU referendum Julie Etchingham hosts a live debate in which three senior political figures on each side of the argument debate the issue and answer questions from the audience.