"里克·伯恩斯" 共找到影视: 8 部

美国历史第三季 5


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1990  

美国内战 6


  • 已更新至9集
  • 1990  

  19世纪工业革命传到美国,美国经济迅速发展,同时美国获得了西部的大片领土,急需劳动力,南方奴隶制成为经济发展的障碍。 1860年主张废除奴隶制的林肯当选总统,南方奴隶主发动叛乱,南方蓄奴州纷纷独立,1861年2月组成邦联**,戴维斯当选总统。同年4月南方邦联军先发制人攻占萨姆特要塞,内战爆发。

DrivingWhileBlack:Race,SpaceandMobilityinAmerica 10


  Discover how the advent of the automobile brought new mobility and freedom for African Americans but also exposed them to discrimination and deadly violence, and how that history resonates today.

OliverSacks:HisOwnLife 5


  Oliver Sacks: His Own Life explores the life and work of the legendary neurologist and storyteller, as he shares intimate details of his battles with drug addiction, homophobia, and a medical establishment that accepted his work only decades after the fact. Sacks was a fearless explorer of unknown mental worlds who helped redefine our understanding of the brain and mind, the di...

排华法案 5


  美籍华裔导演Li-Shin Yu联手Ric Burns经过6年打造,以大量资料和采访,详述“不为很多人所知的一段美国历史”——1882-1943年,美国禁止中国工人移民到美国,是该国首次颁布法令禁掉一个特定族群进入。

乔治·普林普顿:扮演自己 4


  He pitched to Willie Mays, suited up for the Celtics, stepped into the ring with Archie Moore and even took a few snaps as quarterback for the Detroit Lions. But George Plimpton was no athlete. With wit, charm and a skillful pen, this participatory journalist created a life that many athletes could only dream of. His sensational career is captured here in heartwarming footage a...

美国印象.南北战争之殇 8


  Chronological look at the life and career of Johnny Carson (1925-2005), with commentary from an ex-wife and more than 30 fellow comedians, friends, employees, and biographers. The biography defines why Carson was an enduring star (his cool, his timing, his genuine laugh, his breadth of knowledge) and pursues his motivations and inner self (a loner with a drinking problem, a dec...