"迈克尔·阿尔考克" 共找到影视: 5 部

MysteriesfromAboveSeason1 10


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2022  

  Cottage Life’s new original investigative series Mysteries from Above (10×60’; HD) takes to the skies to offer Canadian audiences a chance to see the world from fresh and exhilarating perspectives. The series explores remote, hard-to-reach locations as drones explore strange geological occurrences, unique man-made structures, curious creatures and lost civilizations, revealing ...

科学透视第五季 4


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2008  

  《科学透视 第五季》的每一集都在探讨我们这个时代大谜团之一,研究飓风的结构,探索龙卷风的爆发,寻找遥远的行星,研究地球的大气层,深入探究各种迷人的自然现象。
  第1集 冥王星:新发现
  第2集 落基山脉
  第3集 雪球地球
  第4集 我们的大气
  第5集 火星:水的世界
  第6集 土星的秘密
  第7集 小行星警报
  Season 5 (2008), Episodes include…
  1 "Grand Canyon"
  2 "The Rockies"
  3 "Birth of America"
  4 "Birth of Life"
  5 "Pluto Rediscovered"
  6 "Our Atmosphere"
  7 "Snow Ball Earth"
  8 "Denali National Park"
  9 "Deadly Cyclone"

雪橇犬 9


  Filmmaker Fern Levitt examines the breeding and care of dogs raised specifically for sled dog racing.

X营地 1


  During the Second World War, with Hitler's forces dominating Western Europe, the Allies knew that conventional warfare alone would not be enough for victory over the brutal Nazi regime. What they needed were secret agents, who could be dropped into enemy territory to gather intelligence, organize the resistance, and cause chaos through any means possible. But while Britain was ...

HauntedHospitalsSeason1 8


  • 已更新至13期
  • 2018  

  Doctors, nurses and patients give first-hand accounts of encounters with patients who have returned from the dead.