"贝瑞·弗莱特曼" 共找到影视: 17 部

X战警第一季 8


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1992  


蕾蒙娜 8


  • 已更新至10集
  • 1988  

  根据著名儿童作品改编,Ramona Quimby 应对身为9岁孩子的日常生活中的各种挑战。

MarryingFatherChristmas 5


  When Miranda Chester set off to find information on her biological father two Christmases ago, she never imagined that her investigation would lead her to both the family she had always longed for and Ian McAndrick, the love of her life. After her romantic engagement last Christmas, Miranda prepares to marry Ian this Christmas surrounded by his family and her new family, the Wh...

楼上的凶手 7



ThePirate'sCurse 10


  杰弗里·索普(JefferyThorpe)乘坐他的船“海狼”(the Sea Wolf)在加勒比海漫游。无论情况多么可疑,他都愿意接受任何工作。当一个神秘的女人给他一枚古董金币时,真正的冒险就要开始了!

EasyPrey 9


失落的纯真 10


  When Erica French opts to keep the baby she conceived in high school, she never dreamed that one day she would be fighting for custody against the child's father, Scott Stone. Scott Stone initially fought for custody when Erica threatened to cut off his access to their daughter. Scott continues to try to be a part of his daughter's life, but when Molly first breaks her arm at t...

私家侦探第五季 8


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2021  


私家侦探第四季 3


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2020  

  The original crime-solving series Private Eyes is a 10-episode procedural drama that follows ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade (Jason Priestley) who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team up with fierce P.I. Angie Everett (Cindy Sampson) to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse. Through their new partnership, Shade is forced to examine who he has become and who ...

私家侦探第二季 10


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2017  

  The original crime-solving meijubar.net series Private Eyes is a 10-episode procedural drama that follows ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade (Jason Priestley) who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team up with fierce P.I. Angie Everett (Cindy Sampson) to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse. Through their new partnership, Shade is forced to examine who he has be...

私家侦探第一季 4


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2016  

  The original crime-solving series Private Eyes is a 10-episode procedural drama that follows ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade (Jason Priestley) who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team up with fierce P.I. Angie Everett (Cindy Sampson) to form an unlikely investigative powerhouse. Through their new partnership, Shade is forced to examine who he has become and who ...

冷战疑云 4


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2007  

  TNT夏季新剧The Company是根据同名畅销历史小说改编的。为您讲述冷战时期的间谍故事,美国CIA特工和苏联的KGB间谍之间斗智斗勇的故事。冷战开始于1956年的匈牙利事件,焦点事件是猪湾事件与古巴导弹危机,结束于1991年前苏联的解体。The Company时间跨度40年,场景跨度也很大。从大雨滂沱的柏林街道,到阳光明媚的古巴海滩,从布达佩斯的秘密颠覆活动,到莫斯科与华盛顿的高级别会晤,两个当年的超级大国在全球这个大棋盘上步步为营,小心对垒。双方都试图打破平局,占得先机。然而,他们却都不是最后的赢家,相反,他们彼此都付出了惨重的代价。
  据剧透显示,The Company的每一集故事都有变化。第一集是间谍戏,描述的是冷战早期CIA和KGB之间的猫鼠游戏。第二集是动作戏,主要聚焦的是两个大事件: 1956年的匈牙利事件和随后的猪湾事件。第三集是惊...

恐怖小煞星 1


  A homicidal twelve-year-old paperboy becomes obsessed with a woman and her daughter next-door, and he'll do anything to make his fantasy of the "perfect family" come alive.

电锯惊魂3 1


  • 已完结
  • 2006  

  “竖锯”(托宾·贝尔 Tobin Bell 饰)和新学徒阿曼达一起失踪,警方四处搜索,满城阴云密布。
  一天夜里,刚值完晚班的女医生莲恩·戴伦(巴哈·索莫克 Bahar Soomekh 饰)惨遭绑架,醒来时惊恐万分的莲恩,发现自己被捆绑在一间废弃的空屋里,同屋的还有另一名倒霉受害者杰夫(安古斯·麦克菲登 Angus Macfadyen 饰)。此时“竖锯 ”已卧床不起、奄奄一息,莲恩被告知除非她能在死亡游戏完成前保住这个疯子的性命,否则她和杰夫必死无疑!

司机医生 7


  An unemployed doctor turned cab driver becomes a local hero when he converts his taxi into a mobile clinic. Dr. CABBIE is the heart warming journey of a young Indian Doctor who immigrates to Canada with the selfless ambition of healing others while beginning a new life in the land of opportunity. Dr. CABBIE discovers his true purpose and true love when he embarks upon this jour...